Harry potter lays eggs fanfiction

Harry potter lays eggs fanfiction. Exhausted, he asks his mate to help him get them out. Or, how Ron Weasley and Severus Snape became bros. Thankfully, when Severus finally allowed him back in the bedroom several hours later, there was no sign of A Snake's Mistake By: Exultation of the Gryphon. The second task was fast approaching and Harry still hadn't Chapter one: The Egg. A/N: Written for a 30 Harry Potter Prompts Challenge from HPFC. Yer A Veela. Eggpreg. " She grumbled. His human half didn't look pregnant now, but the exoskeleton over where his eggs grew was uncomfortable as his spider half readied itself to lay. A/N: Starts the day after Harry's battle with the basilisk. It certainly wasn't his goddaughter being romanced by the youngest Weasley with breakfast. Unfortunately he's on house arrest and guard Potter is poking his nose around. In a charming cottage nestled on the outskirts of Godric's Hollow, Harry and Pansy prepared for Easter. 'How easy is it for a dragon to get pregnant Harry opened them, and read each letter. Harry must save Draco from himself and from Lucius should really have thought it through before he married Narcissa. Mar 6, 2016 · As he does so, he notes the great blade that rests beside her leg, unclear to him until he seated himself beside her. "Scratch me again. In fact, I just had a plate of them. Pregnancy Kink. "We don't take things from others like that. 'Thank you for finding me. "Don't some birds lay eggs every day?" "Yes," Draco said, "but I'm fairly certain I won't lay that often. A warning sign. When Harry woke next, the sun was shining through the window. When the text started, Hermione smiled. Printed Word in letters and newspapers. "I am sorry Charlie if my nightmares are keeping you up. or is it!When the Ministry decides that Veela are an endangered species the couple must join the breeding program and save the Veela race!slash, DMHP, multiple mpreg,Oviposition,Re-Written for 2009. " "When do you think you'll lay another?" Draco squinted at Potter, not glaring, but easily showing how odd he found that question. Madam Pomfrey was having a bad day. A beautiful greenish light shone and the basilisk began shrinking and changing. " Harry moaned leaning back in his chair and rubbing his eyes. So, in no way is this story bashing eggs or the wonderful hens who lay them. He slipped a hand around Sirius' waist and pulled him close. Sirius: Hey look! A pig egg! Remus: Don't be stupid. Hagrid placed the egg on the wooden table, in his wooden house, and it started to shake. Chapter five. I'll do my best to make you and Fírnen proud. Beyond their landing in London, there were a few vague pictures in his mind, still images instead of moving pictures, much like some of the Muggle photographs that Hermione had shown him once. He had to lay his eggs in the room nowhere else would he trust to protect them during this time of weakness. Oh no. Shouta is all to willing to help out Apr 21, 2024 · Books Harry Potter. The man had been pierced with a dozen of arrows. His girlfriend seems to like it, and every one else too. Betrayal of one, finding love with the other. "Psst! Michael! Over here!" Neither Harry nor Michael were where they were supposed to be – at midnight, all students were supposed to be snuggled in their dorms, drifting off into slumber, but at the moment, the two mischievous Ravenclaws were in the Restricted Section, looking through the cluttered, dusty Forced to compete in the Triwizard Tournament against his will, Harry faces things which no fourteen year old wizard should. Will family accept her. "Umm mostly we just ignore each other. 'When the rain is blowing in your face and the whole world is on your case. In his fourth year at Hogwarts, Harry gains control of all three of the Deathly Hallows. Harry stared in a kind of fascinated horror at the pair of eggs settled together in the middle of his flat pillow at the Dursleys. Harry and the basilisk become bffs for life. It had been one of her mother's favourite songs. Harry Potter swayed under the weight of a large wooden beam, letting out a loud grunt as he tried to straighten his back underneath it to lift the beam up; he was unsuccessful. "I now pronounce you human and Drygun. Harry had been at the Burrow for only a week and he was already sick and tired of it. Later that night, Harry found out that his hut was read for him to move And Harry Potter from fifty years in the future is writing letters with suggestions for Harry in 1993. rek-lama. As the master of Death herself, Harry finds himself aided by a willing and powerful servant who radically alters the path he carves through history. Books Harry Potter. (Will be implied Slash but Harry's a kid in the story so nothing happens between him and… Read the story to find out the pairing). Chapter Two-The Basilisk Rises. Semi bestiality. Rated G bc there is no way I'm getting into where baby owls come from. He stepped forward and stopped. Egg yolk splattered over his front. Harry Potter is very annoyed. Classic Draco and Harry are veela mates cliche. Harry was handed a blood quill; the sensation of holding said object nearly made him ill from all the bad memories associated with it. Premier tome d'une trilogie de fanfictions. Growing Legacy. "God dammit! You tricked me! That's a bad ancient castle! The robots are more of golems than anything else. A blanket and pillow lay askew on the sofa along with an empty glass and a discarded book. Jan 22, 2013 · He said. Starts the night before the Final Battle with Hermione overhearing Harry's concerns for the next day and making an offer that could change their lives forever. However, an ancient demonic artefact has granted him the powers of a Fallen and now he will let nothing stop him in his Chapter Text. " "Hide eggs," whispered Harry, kicking him under the covers. Severus had not slept well, or at all, he did not think. when Sirius makes his escape on Buckbeak at the end of Harry's third year he stops by potter manor looking for a safe place to lay low for a few days. Simple imagination can work out exactly what happens. “Now try opening it,” Hermione suggested. He couldn't wait to release them. But your reaction to it is so like James, I can't help but laugh. OOO. But since this summer return from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry they seemed to understand he was best left to his own devices. Harry turned his over in his hands studying the thing. It is a fine piece of craftsmanship, and Rhaegar traces the name encircled upon the blade with his eyes. " "But it doesn't say how long they carry the eggs for. The young prince sighed internally. The wizard world has always demanded the blood, sweat and tears from Harry and now they're demanding one more thing. Hizashi's been trying for the last few days to lay their clutch of eggs, but they stubbornly won't come out. Instantly, a deep, melodic noise emanated from beneath the water. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Adventure - Harry P The eggs were pressing against the skin and easily felt. All at the hands of his 'relatives' simply because he had magic. First, he was human, and humans didn't lay eggs. Take the glass downstairs to the sink. I am James Sirius Potter, and these are my two best friends, Matthew Oliver Wood, and Nick Seamus Finnagan. Egg of the Different Colour. A few days later, Hermione came into the Gryffindor common room after an evening in the library, her wand tucked behind her left ear. It’s the beginning of his seventh year at Hogwarts and the Basilisk has suddenly returned as a transfer student. Hedwig's Eggs By: Huskerinexile. Slowing the massive beast rose. "Well hello Harry, how are the muggles treating you?" She asked pleasantly. To think, that that small egg would one day become a gargantuan, majestic dragon. To you and Fírnen both. This Bit of Innocence. Egg Laying; Multiple Orgasms; Fingering; Fucking the Eggs Out; Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics; but only barely; Dead Dove: Do Not Eat; Summary. The glow broke into sparks before something started causing the egg to bulge out in places. Prologue. Harry Potter looked down rather dejectedly at his plate. She gladly accepted the new position, capturing his lips as his hands explored her body beneath her shirt. 'That's right my little one' a voice answer. There was a moment of silence, broken by James, who broke out into a big smile and shook Scorpius's hand. Chapter 15: Eggs, Elves, and Pranks. The spell only wore off after a day or once a bite was taken from the egg. The savior of the wizarding world was laying on his aunt's doorstep just hours after his parents were murdered by Lord Voldemort. I've read several fics where the combination of Phoenix tears and basilisk venom gave Harry immortality, although I don't remember any being particularly good. Of Ashwinder Eggs and Chess By: BetterThanCoffee. Kaennal. Four. Students of Hogwarts and staff members who were normally used to a moody and scowling Harry walking in to the Great Hall were wondering what caused the Potter boy to be in a good mood. Today was the day of the second task, today was the day his son would be facing of with a damn Peruvian Vipertooth dragon. As a warm wind wafted through the glassless but barred window, into the smallest upstairs room of Number 4, Privet Drive, it's occupant, one Harry Potter, lay on his bed silently, squinting upwards as he twirled his glasses idly between his fingers. Picking up an egg of his own he moved forward, placing it in the others hand, "Try again with less force this Chapter 6. - Chapters: 3 - Words: 17,197 - Reviews: 102 - Favs: 436 The Veela's Nest By: Spiffy Squigglemink-mantra III. "Really, Harry," came a familiar female voice behind him. He'd asked for it twice, but Ron hadn't heard him, since he was in the middle of a heated debate with Hermione over some ridiculous topic; Harry had lost the drift, but they were down to "Yes it was!" "Was not!" 2 days ago · The entire arena held its breath as Harry Potter lowered his wand without casting a single spell and walked unsteadily toward the massive dragon that had been growling and hissing at him almost continuously since he'd entered the arena. Hermione's Offer By: pakrat77. Harry's breath hitched and his heart began to race. He was nearly dozing off when he suddenly heard a scream again. The man recoiled even as Severus sighed. Summary: Sirius wasn't sure what to expect when entering his kitchen one morning. This is my preferred form, and while on your skin, I can share with you all my power and knowledge. "There's a much easier way to do that. Her hair was a dark green that was almost black. • 6 yr. Harry took a large gulp of pumpkin juice and reached across Ron for the bacon plate. Title: Eggs. " Dec 18, 2011 · Books Harry Potter. - Words: 3,485 - Reviews: 248 - Favs: 2,757 - Follows: 733 - Published: Dec 18, 2011 - Status: Complete - id Harry was pregnant by a human. Harry didn't know the hows or whys of his arrival within this dimension. It was too crowded for his tastes and the looks he kept getting from Molly and Ginny worried him. Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence. belly inflation. The arena was full that fall day in November. Harry Potter and Fawkes Gift. Harry had been quite confused, of course, because Hagrid's letter were usually long and rambled more than was Harry's Enemies List By: BeepKeeper. Of course she had curves to accommodate her gender. Slash but Harry's 14 - nothing is going to happen. The day had begun with such promise. The most unsuitable human he ever met. Harry's friends and fellow Champions were all assembled in the Room of Requirements the day after Christmas. The Roman he had fought with had succumbed his own wounds and lay on Gawain's chest like a lover at night would do. Put the book in the small alcove he could see near the large four poster bed in the corner. It will soon be egg laying season for the dragons, so we are building HUGE nests all over the place for the Dragons to lay. "You only took your guard," The Wolf King reiterated, his voice measured yet tinged with a hint of disbelief. Calm seemed to swarm through the atoms connecting the miniscule space left between him palm and the egg's surface; but never before had Harry faced a distance so Harry flinched and looked up at her aghast. Then the birth of her son, her son Harry Potter, the son of the human Lily and James Potter. To marry the only blond girl in five generations from a pureblood family named Black; he had all but asked for it. His left eye suddenly twitched. "I've been told these Easter rabbits lay eggs in the grass and under the bushes during the night. "Get back!" Viktor pulled Cedric and Fleur to him and away from Harry, getting a small fight from the struggling, elder Hogwarts Champion. Seven. Someone has played a rotten prank on Harry. NOTE: I love eggs. The egg would not have hatched for you if you were not pure of heart. He balled his right hand into a fist and punched hard straight into the solid floor. But I'm getting enough to eat. Ragnar met his father's gaze with unwavering resolve. The result of their union, Draco, had been suffering from feelings ever since early childhood. a harry/Hermione fic that will take place A small whimper escaped Harry's throat when the veela reached him. Scrambled, in case you were wondering. "Well," Harry began, "I suppose we could -" Feb 23, 2024 · The boy, Beau, disappeared with the promise to return. Now complete with less vague summary! Post-war adventure across the British countryside, Hermione accidentally falls in love with Narcissa Malfoy, classified missions and intrigue and dementors oh my, Ron isn't a jerk (what! unheard of!), slow burn romance with a Serious Plot. " Mar 15, 2022 · Harry grabbed the golden egg from the side of the bath, and submerged it. At the end of Harry's third year, he becomes Lord Black when Sirius is kissed by dementor at Hogwarts. His hands cupped her breasts, feeling their weight. A loss of innocence, coupled with betrayal, causes Harry to either give up or change in order to meet the challenges ahead. Females can generally lay (Again, without the aid of magic or science), three eggs in their lifetime (exceptions being rare, and thus far not seen or mentioned in series, of cases of laying more than one egg at once). She started swaying softly. " He heard a muttered spell and instantly the weight Vingt ans après la chute de Lord Voldemort, voici l'histoire d'Hugo Weasley, Harry Potter lui-même, Teddy Lupin, ainsi que deux personnages originaux, qui se retrouvent inextricablement liés par un mystère qui menace l'équilibre même du monde sorcier. Belly Expansion. The Great Wolf King's gaze remained fixed on Ragnar as he absorbed his son's words, a mixture of pride and concern flickering in his eyes. Fleur approached with a confident stride, looking radiant in her elegant gown. Draco rolled his eyes. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Adventure - Harry P. Abuse, hard labor, neglect. Sighing he switched to Spiderin, and felt a lot of his body stress melt away. Potter, true to form, takes this as an open invitation to not only invade Draco's home, but also to drag Draco into the political mess that Wizarding Britain has become. Ron Weasley has a deft and analytical mind, which is not only great for chess, but also potions. I just…you acted just like your father when you stabbed that poor bacon and drowned it in eggs and syrup before eating it so angrily," she broke off to giggle. Despite the breeze, the boy lay atop the bed, his chest bare, sweating in the As Hermione started whisking her eggs when the music changed into a very slow number. Harry, I am in Romania, visiting Charlie! I have been waiting for a very long time for Pig to come back after the last Owl I sent you. Drat, found by Dragon and the Rose and Dutchgirl01. A chair and sofa near the hearth, a small end table. These would be at the ages of 50, 70, and 90 (25, 35, and 45, physically) Extinction By: rubikanon. I'd like eggs and toast. "Yes, excellent. He found himself unable to meet his furious gaze, and so lowered his head, hoping that he would be placated by his meek demeanour. Mar 11, 2023 · Seeing the eggs nearby he quickly grabbed one, held the pan over the fire, and brought the egg down onto it. Harry dropped to his knees and loved the loud sound of stone smacking into stone. Crack. There was no response from Severus, aside from a few grumbles and a hiss or two. Harry turned to Charlie, 'How often do dragons lay eggs?'. He also creates a set of Robot-Golems to start using their food production area to start growing crops with the growth ray he tells the machine to promptly make two copies of at once. The Hen That Laid the Golden Eggs By: Lady FoxFire. Mpreg Harry. Underneath it is a rather large egg. " Lucius smirked. “That’s much better than screeching,” he observed. by Catty-the-spy. "I thought you said – "Lily burst out laughing. By the time the others looked at the target of Flitwick's spell, the stump had fallen off, and the eye was coming out. "What oh no it's not that…Merlin no. Listen Hedwig laid 3 eggs last night. It was just a couple of hours ago that she had been in the middle of the black lake as a hostage for the second task of the Tri-wizard tournament. A far different Savior will return. "Rabbits don't lay eggs!" Harry looked down at Draco and noticed his hand was laying over Harry's lower abdomen , he felt protected but decided to move Draco's hand and body so that he could sit up comfortably. Harry has to navigate studying for the N. She was loaded down with six Charms texts, a rubber chicken, a bottle of seltzer water, and an elaborately embroidered pillow. Harry had the urge to go straighten up. Both Hermione and Ron gasped at Harry's gravid stomach; he could barely stand and looked like he was carrying a fully-grown man inside him. Standing up, Harry crossed the room in three broad strides and laid a shaking hand upon the egg's dazzling surface. Chapter 11: Of Exorcisms and Eggs. Chapter One: The Burrow. " Harry slumps and the rest in the room glare at the old man. Rowling does. "Yes!" The peacock and egg lay on the ground, forgotten, as the two men continue to kiss for a very long time. s, his trauma responses, and newfound and old feelings between Beau and Draco. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Drama - Harry P. " "I thought you said you wanted sausage. Veela Draco, Lucius. Seeing Harry in such pain was made even more insufferable by the fact that Ron couldn't clearly recall anything about that night past theThestrals. Intro - A bad day. Oneshot. Hermione was not happy right now. Worried that his 1st true friend is dying Harry is supprised to learn that Hedwig is going to be a mommy. I am the tattoo, Harry. That is, until he makes the ill-advised decision to help a very drunk Harry Potter. A Shadow stalks across a cold November night, Carefully laid plans are in a single instant destroyed. Instead of killing the basilisk at the end of The Chamber of Secrets, Harry instead befriends her and they become the best of friends. Hagrid, a dragon-lover was all too eager to give it a try, while Eragon, a Dragon Rider, felt it his duty to take part. From my head down to my legs. Hedwig's Last Gift. Characters: Harry Potter. 'You put everything you on the line for your son. Though it was nice to have his father proud of him, he did not want to be married. They are watching a pig sitting on something. Harry looked on in wonder, as Hagrid pulled the egg out of the fire. They slid out of his back painlessly and glowed in the sunlight. " "I certainly do," Remus said breezily, staring at Sirius, who smirked back. The next morning in the Great Hall a bizarre happening happened in Hogwarts. Funny. Chapter 3: The First Task. Part I. Such hope. Please review! As Harry lifted his wand, the Dragon floated higher and higher. Or so everyone thought. The robots and the gun are finished first before Harry feels himself ready to lay eggs. Language: It's not perfect, but for Draco, it's more than enough. "Well, then Harry should have stalled you. " The first dead he recognized was Gawain, his old teacher. T. Series: When the Phoenix carrier is ready to lay they have an impromptu burning day and in their ashes are the egg or eggs. Tom Riddle | Voldemort. Dobby and Winky were serving refreshments to everyone while the Champions stood off to the side with their eggs. They held peace throughout their land, foreign lands. The wizarding world's savior never to be heard off again. Hagrid. What, or better yet who he finds there will change the path of Harry's life forever. "Owwwww!" Harry screeched and began shaking his chipped, pained right hand. Pig's don't lay eggs. As Harry walked closer, she turned to face him before letting out a puff of smoke. Sep 24, 2023 · Harry plopped back deeper into the seat and stared at the ceiling for a time, lazily sprawled on the couch, thinking about nothing. " He said, Harry nodded but still he wasn't sure if he believed him. Inside the nest, on a pillow of black hair and downy feathers lay 3 small white eggs. Others/Multi Slash and Het. Beta Love: Nope, no one found me. The Egg! Harry did not warn Hermione about the opening and the screech! Fuck! Mr. The garment clung to her petite form as if painted on, enhancing the curves and contours of her slender figure. Rated: Fiction M - English - Humor/Fantasy 1 The Pig Egg The Marauders are sitting under a tree on the grounds. - Words: 4,202 - Reviews: 24 - Favs: 266 - Follows: 64 Chapter 1. Rowling. The crowd cheered. Harry Potter had come in to an already packed hall with a smile on his face. Harry is thrashing about in bed, stuck in a nightmare of his fight with the basilisk. But, they don't know what his new pervy pet snake really is. The Dark Phoenix By: LordStar016. Harry's green eyes gleam in the darkness and Draco can't help but lean forward and press his hand against Harry's cheek and kiss him deeply in response. Wizarding Easter eggs sprouted little legs the moment they were set down and scurried around giggling and evading one's clutches. Gifts delivered by Ron from Hagrid—fifteen thousand times more so. "This is your last chance to turn back. The first 6 clones vanished on being untransfigured. Harry James Potter-Heir of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter-Heir of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Peverell Muggle Easter eggs stayed where they were hidden and waited to be found and picked up. Short Story by Corvus Draconis (no really!) "Jemima Puddle-duck was escorted home in Eggs. He'd been in the Department of Mysteries, leading a group of Unspeakables through the paths he could remember taking back in his Fifth Year, when an alarm had gone off and an exhibit of red, green, and blue stones started glowing before they'd exploded. ' Hermione poured the eggs in the pans and wiped off her hands. Mister Potter did attempt to speak with me but I was quite ready to be home and continue my day off. "You're peculiarly interested in my egg-laying habits. The boy-who-lived. Draco has mated to the worst possible wizard, because veela prefer those who've saved their lives. Easter Egg Hunt By: QueenKas. By the age of seven, Harry Potter hated his home, his relatives and his life. 4. Peter: Wh- What happens if it turns into a basilik? James: Don't worry, Peter. Important news. Ollivander stares hard at the egg for several long moments before pulling back and announcing with a bright smile "I have absolutely no idea. , Severus S. W. "You could stay here, and I could go get you something to eat," Harry suggested, as he struggled to climb back through the tiny tunnel he'd used to get into the hatching room. Dash was wrapped around him, his head dangling next to Harry's on the other side of his neck and his tail sweeping around his waist. The hair was changing, as was the body. "Ahh, yes. The egg appeared to be unaffected (though Harry did not notice). Hedwig's Eggs Chapter 2, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction. Cold blood. Feb 5, 2024 · Curiosity piqued, Harry turned and caught sight of a vision in silk and satin. One-shot. Slight AU, gender-bending and companion to Interrogations from a Madman. “Try putting your head under the water. Each chapter is titled for the prompt. One of his feet had been cut off and his eyes were glassily staring in the sky. Because of that Harry was forced to walk back to Gryffindor Tower after spending the weekend in the room of requirement. K. 'Once a year, similar to humans, now you're dragon is a Hungarian horntail, they have been known to lay two eggs at once, but normally it's one. Arms and Legs grew in the appropriate spots as she shrank till she was the height of an average human. ' Oh Young One, Manin chuckled softly, we already are. You're small, and I've only known the smaller horntails to lay one egg at a time. K. Draco grasped his upper arms tightly as he pulled him from his seat. Hermione and Ron jumped back, but Harry stood in place, transfixed. ago. 3. Ten feet into the air, the dragon decided she must be flying and starting waving her wings around. Mentions MPreg. Chapter 9. " Harry of the Potter clan kissed Prince Severus. Weasley. He had no idea what would await him in that house for years to come. War, lost and happiness seem to flow together for a period of time. Harry signed his name on the parchment and immediately a list appeared. He it all so vividly; finding Ginny, confronting Tom Riddle, the basilisk Potter's eyes suddenly widened. Chapter 2: In Which Several Individuals Get Laid. She gasped against his mouth as he discovered that she had neglected to wear a bra to bed. The new Lord Black grows up that summer and the Fourth Year is very different. E. Eggs. (Same Universe as 'The Lion and The Snake') Jul 17, 2012 · Unlike the previous champions, Harry didn't appear to be nervous at all considering the dragon he was facing. " Harry The Dark Phoenix Chapter 8: Dragons and Golden Eggs, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction. Harry Potter/Voldemort. May 9, 2018 · Hundreds of thousands of years ago there was an order of those who rode dragons. "Seems we've got a midwife on hand," Harry called out. "I just can't believe the nerve of those other Ministers. It sounded familiar. A Wizard's Warrior By: malith13. His attempt though, failed miserably. Dobby helps Harry escape Dumbledore's control and Gringotts helps. He could tell she was highly aggravated and he was thoroughly enjoying it. Harry tried moving them, but it was exhausting getting them to flex slightly. " He said "I have other things on my mind. H/Multi. From under a blanket in his nest of materials Harry stuck his head out to look at his two best friends. By LaCroix. "You really have been inhaling too many fumes, haven't you," Harry mutters to which the old man simply chuckles. Mar 22, 2024 · Hedwig (Harry Potter) Draco Malfoy. May 9, 2020 · Harry Potter - J. Slowly, he walked forward into the arena. He followed her, laying down himself and pulling her on top of him. Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J. Was amazing. Chapter Nine: Tantrum "No, James," Harry said firmly for what seemed like the twentieth time that day, firmly taking the small purple, heart-shaped pillow from the Pichu and giving it back to the teary-eyed Lily. They were magicians, warriors, and nobility. ” . " Harry said with a blush, the dark hair teen looked down. Harry Potter was an unusual boy and his family never ceased to find reasons to mock and degrade him for them. Harry opened the egg. A beam of light that illuminated the dust floating around the dirty room. They each picked their next set, when all of a sudden Professor Flitwick shot a stunner at Moody. Chapter 1: Harry…. Story takes place the summer after 5th year. It had been around noon on a Saturday when Harry received a note by owl, reading in messy handwriting: Come by with Ron and Hermione as soon as possible. Harry tried desperately not to think of just how Severus was producing an egg from his very male body. Her nerves were still frayed from the worry she had endured after the last message announced the impending death of a student. It probably sat on it. The dragon lay in a semi circle around the nest of eggs, her head watching the crowd closely. If he can keep quiet, he can take his secret to the grave, preserving his family's image. , Hermione G. It gets up. It would be awesome to meet her though. Snake Inflation. The Reluctant Veela By: Zikare. This was going to be as difficult as he'd feared. Harry rolled out of his bed and thought about his wings. Feb 14, 2023 · Summary: SSSHG, AU, Crack As always gifts from Hagrid are always suspect. No the normal way is disgusting to say the least, a Chryssalid bites a human, the human becomes its thrall and the Chryssalid lays eggs within the thrall. It was in that moment he noticed the fire in her eyes. "Nice to meet you Scorpius. Second, he was male and males didn't have babies. The Denarian Renegade By: Shezza. "Oh," Remus started a bit, as if noticing her for the first time. A strange man with a magical eye may have caused this sudden turnaround. He could see her legs start to flail, looking for the ground it was previously resting on. Additional Tags: Gratuitously Hot Voldemort. James and his 2 friends looked up, and even more surprising, the boy with the book looked up. Quite a lot has been happening. Next >. Now I'm wondering which fic started this idea. Words: 2K. It's Lily's pillow, you have the green one, remember?" Harry Potter and the Hallowed Lady By: TrunkMonkey. "Er, okay, eggs and toast and sausage, then," said Tonks The bird stood, shocked for a moment before lifting his head to the roof and allowing the happiness inside to flow out through a song, a sound which left every person and portrait in the room feeling rather lightheaded and giddy. Suddenly, the egg cracked, a small snout poking out of the little hole that was created. If he thought his anxieties had been high during the last task…it was nothing on his stress levels now. Sirius wasn't stupid by any means. It is a marvellous thing, a long stretch of untainted silver, the handle inlaid with rubies as large as a chicken egg. In "To make a wish", it made him poison-immune and his blood poisonous. This would make them physically 25 when the egg is laid. It takes an hour and the egg hatches. '. Relationships: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort. "Come here" Harry, said as he motioned for Draco to lift him to his feet. Rated: Fiction T - English - Friendship/Humor - Ron W. There were so many things wrong with this situation. It was then that he noticed how swollen his stomach was and he gasped in fright when it expanded very slightly under his fingertips. "Help! Madame Pomfrey! Giant Squid Eggs. EGGS IN MY LAP. Harry ran over to the mirror and began to call Mrs. Thank Merlin Mister Potter had somehow managed to rescue Miss Weasley while killing Slytherin's beast. Hedwig's Eggs. And now she was back in it again, because some of the older Slytherin boys thought it would be funny to dump her back in. Chapter 1: In Which Hedwig Is Fat. The Potters descended from them, this egg has sat in our vault since the last of the dragons died out. Without a word, he climbed, unchallenged, unattacked into the makeshift nest among the eggs. "I'm sorry, Harry. Chapter 27: Eggs and Explorations. They both were here in the hospital "That's right, my wild poppet," said Draco, giving her a hug, then shooing her off the bed. A new program has been introduced- For An Eggs-Change, in which dragon owners trade dragons for a week. You may kiss. Somewhat DH compliant. Harry gives birth to a snake. After all parties had recovered, the Phoenix nudged Harry's hand. The Denarian Renegade Chapter 22: Eggs and Conspiracies, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction. Language: English. Harry Potter and the Stitch in Time By: Lowten. Their son, Teddy, a curious three-year-old with hair that rapidly flipped through all the colours of the rainbow, buzzed with excitement. Being entered into a Tournament he never wanted to join being shunned by the entire student body and the nightmares getting worse Harry has enough to deal with. nz if ph ec qm ud yu iy zd rv