Dotnet ef migrations add first migration

Dotnet ef migrations add first migration. It's two clicks: "Remove from code" - this action will remove code of your latest migration from codebase. When you make some Model changes that you’d like to group together in a single Migration, you can add a new migration using the following command. Then when Entity Framework runs the migrations, it will throw errors about the tables or columns existing. exe. Implement a ModelDiffer. Using the following commands would create a new migration for each context. You can do this via the following command: dotnet ef database update. Regardless, this isn't a good fit for the OP's case where "The update history seems to be out of sync"; this approach works by running the "Down" migration for every migration so far applied to the database, so if you've deleted a migration that was previously applied then this will fail (and it may similarly fail if you've modified a Aug 24, 2023 · EF Core 将在项目中创建一个名为“Migrations”的目录,并生成一些文件。 最好检查 EF Core 生成的内容,并在可能的情况下修改它,但现在我们跳过此操作。 创建数据库和架构. Step 2: Enable Migrations. First command is to install the EF Core migration tools. For example: Nov 10, 2021 · 0. 0. Add-Migration Added Manager. new try (I am in the same project as my DbContext) dotnet ef migrations add Init -o \Migrations\Init -s . Web migrations add Second. NET Core CLI instead of the Package Manager Console. \MyCodeCamp Migrations were created successfully. csproj. First, we enter dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef. Infrastructure [10403] Entity Framework Core 3. Tip. This will generate the SQL Script, as shown below. Aug 28, 2023 · Here's an example of using the EF Core CLI to create a new migration: dotnet ef migrations add MyNewMigration Replace MyNewMigration with a descriptive name for your migration. add-migration init then update-database. . dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef. dotnet ef migrations add First --startup-project . NET Core CLI, run the Add-Migration command, followed by a descriptive name for the migration. 2. Design. Use the Add-Migration Command: In the Package Manager Console (PMC) or . json to continue. services. New migrations are created as siblings of the last migration. My Solution only has the one Project. As we already said, our database schema must be aligned with the database model and every change in a database model needs to be migrated to the database itself. NET Core CLI tools for EF Core using the following command: . If any one trying to create Migrations from cmd and facing issues like this. PowerShell Command. I am trying to create my first migration of an ASP. I'm wondering if there's a standard way of handling migrations when using EF Core database-first. I right-click on the Project and select 'Open command line > default' and enter the following: dotnet ef migrations add InitialDatabase. There are two kinds of Migration: Automated Migration. Update-Database -Migration 0. Mar 17, 2014 · I've been using Entity framework code first in a project and all the tables have been created /modified a while ago. This will create a new migration with the specified <migration-name Entity Framework introduced a migration tool that automatically updates the database schema when your model changes without losing any existing data or other database objects. If you are using an earlier version, some or all of the information does not apply. Click Next. add-migration <name of migration>. This can apply EF migrations without the source code which was the major stumbling block for EF Core. Jul 5, 2016 · In order to unapply a migration in EF Core 1. Notice: you instead of YourAssemblyName, you should write ' csproj ' library name that there is the Migration folder inside. To create the migration, just specify the 'startup project' as the web app (where the startup. Now use the following command to create the migration: dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate -c DataContext --startup-project . public interface IMigrationSeed<TContext>. answered Nov 23, 2023 at 15:25. Make Changes to an Existing Migration. Step 3: Add an initial migration. This will create a new folder named Migrations in the project and create the ModelSnapshot files, as shown below. Oct 30, 2016 · I guess you use the Add-Migration command in the Package Manager Console. ”. When you create a migration, the framework checks if there is any change from the previous migration if one exists and generates a file Jun 28, 2019 · Create a new Initial migration from your database's current state. Sometimes, however, you may want to use more than one provider (for example Microsoft SQL Server and SQLite) with your DbContext. It is highly probably because of your default startup project: Open Package manager console and write this command: PM> Add-Migration -StartupProject[YourProjectPath(just press a tab all the. Notice: if you have multiple layers May 20, 2018 · 1. config. Once your EF Core setup is complete, you can add your first migration to reflect the initial state of your model in the database schema. first try to run: dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef --version= (specify) then try adding migration: dotnet ef migrations add DbInitialMigration. SQL Scripts. WebApi\ migrations add MyMigration --project src\MyApi. I have added a configurator class in the core project that looks like this: public static IServiceCollection AddDatabaseContext(this IServiceCollection services, Action<DatabaseOptions> configureOptions) {. – Jeremy Holovacs. When creating migrations, EF Core uses a code-first approach. Now I need to add an unique constraint to a table. Migration has been generated but when I check the NewColumnMigration. Enter the following command in the command window: . DequeueMessages" // These are stored procedure parameters , c => new{ MessageCount = c. The better way is to use Update-Database -Target:0 or similar command to remove things. The equivalent syntax in EF Core is just Update-Database 0. Handle this by maintaining multiple sets of migrations--one for each provider--and adding a migration to each for every model change. Command Line - CLI. Figure 11. The list of names of the migration can be found using: dotnet ef migrations list. discussed in this page were introduced in Entity Framework 4. Create a new class library. Copy. Nov 8, 2018 · Add-Migration InitialCreate -IgnoreChanges in the Package Manage Console when creating the first migration of the model of an existing database with Code First workflow. Nov 15, 2018 · Adding a Migration. csproj --output-dir . 2 Answers. In the PM Console you can always run the --help command with: dotnet ef migrations add --help. This is a compressed version of the EDMX for the model that was used to create the migration. Aug 25, 2020 · 5. Create a local manifest file via dotnet new tool-manifest. However, the API is also extensible allowing you to define your own operations. Nov 28, 2018 · I worked around this by using the . The just-in-time debugger should prompt you to attach a debugger when it hits that line. ) This new migration is only compatible with new databases, since it will create all tables (and fail if any of the tables, constraints, etc. In the first one, there will be a change to apply the Feb 19, 2020 · The next step would be installing the actual Entity Framework tool that allows us to use Entity Framework migrations. /Dal/Migrations. Jun 20, 2017 · The easiest way it to right click the project and Open Folder in File Explorer. dotnet ef migrations script --output migrations. and the generated files are put in the correct folders. I'm attempting to generate a migration for EF, with the following command: dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate -p . But to generate custom migration statements (in my case triggers) i do following (shortened to relevant) using SqlOperation. Now, we've already made 3 tables in our database, and using migrations are able to update them just fine. Install the . Add a reference to your DbContext project. dotnet ef migrations script. Paths are relative to the target project directory. This is what I did in VS Code terminal. the -Migration 0 indicates that you want to un-apply all the migrations. Flag will be set to true when the application is being executed by an EF design-time tool like dotnet ef migrations add. Defaults to '0' (the initial database). Add a Sql Script in the migration folder (I name it with the same prefix as the migration file) Steps. Aug 7, 2022 · Using migrations is a standard way to create and update a database with Entity Framework Core. Oct 21, 2022 · Generally, there are three ways to handle EF migrations in the DevOps pipeline: 1. The command compares two models of the database. Add-Migration -configuration <DbContext-Migrations-Configuration Group Database Model Migration with Database Data Migration (or Seeding) Check what part of the Seed migration code should really be running, not checking data in the database but using already known data which is the database model that was just created. In the “Configure your new project A bundle needs migrations to include. \ to indicate the current directory. Is there a way for the migrations add command to skip the creation of 'empty' files? May 28, 2016 · The Basic Commands. See Command Line Parameters for additional parameters options. cs file I can see that the Up() method tries to Create all tables from scratch instead of altering the one table with new column. Both the commands are used to add migrations and internally both works same and use EF Core Tools. If you have both EF core and EF 6. Jul 24, 2020 · In Entity Framework Core 5 migrations we are adding a migration as a delta changes between our DbContext class and existing [DbContext name]ModelSnapshot. To do so, open the Package Manager Console May 12, 2012 · Before Merge, take note of the migration you added (MyMigration), and its previous migration (BaseMigration) Merge branches in git. Enter "cmd" in the address bar and press Enter. API. x Installed: Add-Migration RunSqlScript. Feb 9, 2020 · Add-Migration Initial. Launch () in your code. For example: Dec 26, 2023 · To remove a migration, you need to follow these steps: 1. PM> dnx ef migrations add Update1 -c "ContextAContext". Then just put your changes inside that class as usual. then update the database: dotnet ef database update. Configure(configureOptions); Apr 22, 2014 · I'm currently working on a project that is utilizing EF Code-First. Jan 23, 2014 · 0. 6. And finally, add migration again using new changes by Microsoft. And there is no change on the model classes. Create a new stored procedure. Code-based Migration. IsDesignTime. dotnet ef migrations add Initial. exe tool . edited Feb 27, 2020 at 4:32. The Second command can be used to create a migration. 0 use the command: dotnet ef database update {migration_name} Use the migration name of the migration until which you would like to preserve your changes. dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate dotnet ef database update With this command the database created with the some intial tables from C# entity classes. Nov 13, 2019 · dotnet ef migrations add AddNames - This command creates a new migration called AddNames which EF should recognise is an update to the exsiting tables (and therefore the migration should only be and update) dotnet ef database update AddNames - This will then run the AddNames migration. Sorted by: 110. However, if you have already applied it to the database, you should do "Generate rollback script" and manually apply generated SQL first. Jul 5, 2020 · The EF Core migrations make it easier to push the changes to the database and also preserve the existing data in the database. Of course, I had to specify the –startup-project switch and my startup project name. 2 Understanding the Migration File. You can also generate a SQL script from the specified migration till the last migration or from the specified from and to migrations. Every time I make change to the database I run this in the CLI: dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold "Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=myCatalog;Trusted_Connection=true;" Microsoft. Database. Jul 20, 2020 · You just need to use the command dotnet migrations add <name> add next migration will be generated. Our Migrations folder now has a second migration. NET Core CLI. We can also generate the migration script and Jun 29, 2021 · Command. As a quick recap, here are the basic commands you’ll need to write migrations for ASP. \. x installed: EntityFramework\Add-Migration RunSqlScript. Add-Migration Update-Database. In the “Create new project” window, select “ASP. Creates a folder, creates a snapshot, but doesn't create the actual migration. 3. cs and use the Add-Migration "Added_filename". If you don't have a database, nor any migrations created (no Migrations folder in your project), then calling Migrate will create the database without any tables. Then you will be able to see all the configuration needed: Usage: dotnet ef migrations add [arguments] [options] Arguments: <NAME> The name of the migration. – Aug 2, 2016 · Add Migration With CLI Command: dotnet ef migrations add NewMigration --project YourAssemblyName. 1, but this was removed from version 2. Add Migration With PMC Command: Add-Migration NewMigration -Project YourAssemblyName. You should be able to call Debugger. Net core CLI. This will revert your database to the state before any of the conflicted migrations are applied. cs file (which is empty if this is your first migration). Then, type cmd in the address bar of the File Explorer to open a command prompt in that folder. All we need to Jan 3, 2013 · I am using EF6 and the DbMigration class provides methods to Create/Alter/Delete stored procedures. Entity Framework Core allows us to generate pure SQL scripts based on the migrations. The MyProject. The Add-Migration command does not create the database. Liệt kê các Migration. Microsoft. To create a migration, open the Package Manager Console and enter the following command: PM> Add-Migration InitialCreate. |. dotnet ef migrations add InitialSchoolDB. EnsureCreated() Sep 6, 2018 · I run dotnet ef migrations add NewColumnMigration. Feb 1, 2017 · 3. Defaults to "Migrations". dotnet ef migrations add "SqlServer Initial" -p Infrastructure -s API -c StoreContext -o Data/Migrations. The form to create a new New Web App + SQL resource opens. Things to be aware of. dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate --output-dir Your/Directory Package Manager Console May 15, 2018 · 16. The generated migration file contains two main methods: Up and Down. I've created the class and the context for it. edited Oct 12, 2022 at 13:42. NET Core. \\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=MyDb;Integrated Security=True;Persist Security Info=False;Enlist=False;" . At this point, you can run your Entity Framework Core 5 migrations and update the database schema. Dec 1, 2015 · 1. public partial class MyFirstMigration : DbMigration { public override void Up() { // Create a new store procedure CreateStoredProcedure("dbo. Tools belongs as a PackageReference and Microsoft. csproj paths will come up, and then choose your DataBaseLayer project to execute a migration for)] migrationName. But make sure that you got to have the respective connection string of the Database Provider in the database. I think it is not intended to modify the ef core csharp code generation. jasonvuriker. Remove-Migration. open command-line 2. Enter the following command to create the initial migration: add-migration Initial -Context Aug 7, 2017 · In entity framework core I have created an initial migration using following command . dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate. This command will: Reverts the effects of the most recently applied migration on the database without necessitating the use of the "Update-Database" command. Feb 21, 2018 at 13:09. dotnet ef migrations list. Or else, it will create two new files and update the Feb 19, 2023 · With EF Core Migrations enabled, you can create your first migration. NET Core Web API” from the list of templates displayed. [Table("tableName","schemaName")] Or you can write your own custom convention. At the top of the Nuget PM> Console, there's a dropdown for 'Set Default Project', point this to your AspNetCoreProject. Then we have to add another package with dotnet add package Microsoft. Feb 26, 2020 · 2,38033460. Sources and more info: Apr 21, 2023 · To start with generating the database migrations, open your terminal on to the Host Project. dotnet ef migrations add [MigrationName] NOTE: Replace [MigrationName] by the name you want to give to your migration. edited Jan 3, 2023 at 9:39. To do this, you can create additional migrations using the same “dotnet ef migrations add” command. My project. Let’s create database in SQL Server Sep 29, 2020 · 1. 3 -b adding-our-first-migration Migration EDM Snapshots. Infrastructure. Run your migration commands normally. Options: -o|--output <FILE> The file to write the result to. \<StartupLocation>. Mar 17, 2021 · From the docs for Add-Migration: -OutputDir <String>: The directory use to output the files. After installation, use the --help option to get the help on any EF Core commands, as shown below. CLI Command: dotnet ef migrations add <migration-name>. EntityFrameworkCore. It's the same procedure for both multiple DbContexts for one database and for multiple DbContexts for each their own database: Enable-Migrations -ContextTypeName <DbContext-Name-with-Namespaces> -MigrationsDirectory:<Migrations-Directory-Name>. Save the DbContextModelSnapshot. sql. set ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=development dotnet ef database drop. info: Microsoft. This Mar 9, 2022 · Step 1: Create a model. Note that steps are almost same for all the Database providers. Add-migration actually do exactly what's asked for. Install the tools with the instructions here, then run dotnet ef migrations add MigrationName from the project directory. – Elmar. Deletes the associated migrations and snapshots. Options: -o|--output-dir <PATH> The directory (and sub-namespace) to use. The migration process has two steps: Creating migration and Applying migration. When generating new migration a CLI Tool will generate only the differences between those two and put them in two methods: Up and Down. Delete your Migrations folder. C:> dotnet ef --help. Then I am trying to add new C# entity classes (or in future update my entity classes ). /CC. The third one to create the database in SQL Server. This solution is effective within a project that is dependent on Entity Framework Core 7. \MyProject. There are two ways to extend the API: Using the Sql() method, or by defining custom MigrationOperation Aug 14, 2020 · Entity Framework 6 introduced the Migrate. Nov 17, 2021 · Then I have a separate "core" project, with my efcore, dbcontext and models. Apr 18, 2022 · In the Azure Management Portal, choose Create a resource in the left tab and then choose See all on the New pane (or blade) to see all available resources. <TO> The ending migration. What is the equivalent for CLI? The add command would be like this: dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate but what about the ignore switch? Nov 24, 2017 · Second, open up your Nuget Package Manager Console. The MigrationBuilder API allows you to perform many different kinds of operations during a migration, but it's far from exhaustive. They may have similar answers, but they are entirely different questions. Nov 17, 2020 · So, there was no problem with my SQL Server. Add-Migration <MigrationName>. . The interface looks like this. Move the migrations and model snapshot files to the class library. 6 initialized 'StoreContext' using Feb 24, 2022 · When I try to add migration either by dotnet ef migrations add DroFoo or Add Then moving the contents of the generated model snapshot to your code first project. Net Core project I am developing in Visual Studio 2015. answered Feb 26, 2020 at 7:48. json and hangfire. Tools as a DotNetCliToolReference. The database will be created in the SQL server instance which is Mar 23, 2023 · Click on “Create new project. If you work with EF on daily basis, you might find efmig tool useful. Create a new migration and generate a SQL script for it (dotnet ef migrations script). It uses a new database initializer called MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion. I want to create a migration which will have the following row in the Up() method. NET Core CLI, then enter the following command. Copy code. Jul 17, 2019 · So to resolve the problem, you can install the dotnet-ef locally in your solution rather than adding it globally. Database migrations will be applied and all In EF Core 5. navigate to project folder where you want to add the migration 3. docker exec learninganalytics_app_1 Migration. Then you can remove your generated migration using. SqlServer -o Models -f Jan 19, 2024 · Then we’ll use the dotnet CLI to apply the new migration to the database: dotnet ef migrations add Hangar_HasDoors dotnet ef database update. Run the following command: Explain code. API/CC. Nếu muốn tạo SQL Script cho Migration thì gõ. DotNet is for the command line. csproj project has a dependency to another project in the same solution: MyDependency. Because the path is relative, you need to specify the path without the leading slash, or use . ToTable("tableName", "schemaName") You can also use Table attribute to set schema for entity. When I run the command above, I get a FileNotFoundException saying Jan 8, 2018 · Which will generate migration scripts with provided schema for desired entity/ies. dotnet-ef migrations add First --project YourProject. (For example via dotnet ef migrations add Initial-PostCleanup. Mar 18, 2019 · Let’s apply migrations now ! Then I used below command to add the migrations. /TestPatterns2. 0, you can execute code based on flag EF. By the way, this was not necessary with previous versions of . We’ve also applied those changes to the database schema. Applying migrations manually. If you are running Add-Migration manually you can just add the connection string as the -ConnectionString parameter: Add-Migration -ConnectionString "Data Source=. Note. Insert a single row into the migrations history, to record that the first migration has already been applied, since your tables are already there. It just creates the two snapshot files in the Migrations folder. To add migration to the model, the developers can use the Add-Migration command. In case there are no Entities/Context changes this creates a migration with empty Up(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder) and Down(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder) functions. If you’re prompted to confirm the deletion, type `Y` and press Enter. Run the following command: Remove-Migration. cs exists) dotnet ef --startup-project . If you want the tables to be created as well, one option is to call EnsureCreated instead of Migrate: context. Int() }, // Here is the stored Dec 15, 2021 · Starting with EF Core 7. PowerShell. For core EF projects, you can specify the output directory with the '-o' or '--output-dir' option after Add-Migration. Add-Migration <migration-name>. Kết quả xuất ra migrations. dotnet ef migrations add. Jan 12, 2023 · In this article. Migration entity data model snapshots are stored as base-64 strings containing gzipped XML data. 1. Jun 3, 2020 at 8:21. Add a new migration (If it’s the first one, it will add the neccessary folder structure and classes) dotnet ef migrations add {MigrationName} Remove the most recent migration. already exist). 1. Choose Web App + SQL in the Web section of the Everything blade. 0, you are free to move Migration files and changes their namespace manually. Data or project with the DbContext class. Refer commands in the above table. Oct 22, 2023 · As the application evolves, you may need to make further changes to the database schema. dotnet ef migrations script --help Usage: dotnet ef migrations script [arguments] [options] Arguments: <FROM> The starting migration. Sorted by: 4. Navigate to the directory containing your context. If you have only EF 6. 3 Onwards Only - The features, APIs, etc. e. This will create 3 (if this is your first migration of the project. Sep 19, 2023 · Open a command prompt or terminal. Alternatively, you can specify the directory at generation time as follows:. If you’re coming from DNX, not much has changed. EF4. Entity<TEntity>(). Armed with this then you could copy this up to the container and perform the migrations via something like. json file resides in the root of my Project folder. Open Package Manager Console, and run: UPDATE-DATABASE -TargetMigration:BaseMigration. These are created using dotnet ef migrations add as described in Create your first migration. If you have no existing migrations, generate one in the project containing the DbContext then move it. Now, for the fun part. NET CLI. Go to the config folder: cd . Aug 21, 2020 · Since as you mentioned, you do not have any data in the database yet, you can revert all your applied migration by using. Dec 10, 2015 · That will cause Entity Framework to think that the migrations have run, and the tables have not been created. 2 Running the Add-Migration command to create a new EF Core migration. In CLI. Remove-Migration -Force. dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef --version 3. Try to use this in root folder: dotnet ef --startup-project src\MyApi. If after adding your class in the dbContext and your migration is still empty: do the following: In your DbContextModelSnapshot class, remove every related code to that class name that you are trying to apply add-migration on. modelBuilder. @ickydime This is just a flag indicating if you are adding migrations. The code-based migration provides more control on the migration and allows you to configure additional things such as setting a default value of a column, configure a computed column etc. In order to use Code-Based Migrations in Entity Framework Code First Approach, first we need to execute the Enable-Migrations command in the Package Manager Console. I'd definitely recommend checking the MS docs on the subject Sep 9, 2015 · When using Entity Framework code first migrations is there a best practice for choosing a name for each migration? For example each name might contain a version number or the change(s) made to the model or both. Package Manager console. 此时,可以让 EF 创建数据库并从迁移中创建架构。 可以通过以下操作实现这一点: May 9, 2012 · With Entity Framework 6 it's easy. One comes from our current application, with its DbContext, entity classes, and EF Core configuration; and the other is from the <MyContextName>ModelSnapshot. public class MyMigrationsModelDiffer : MigrationsModelDiffer {. And voila, migration: TO ADD THE MIGRATION FOLDER INTO THE DATA PROJECT: when you defined the service, add the migration point like so. – Feb 28, 2024 · Adding Your First Migration. PM> dnx ef migrations add Update1 -c "ContextBContext". run dotnet build The output will show all errors and warnings. Now, we've decided that we actually need another table in our database. In order to use code-based migration, you need to execute the following commands in the Package Manager Console in Visual Studio: Enable-Migrations: Enables git clone <your-fork> cd dotnet-ef-migrations git checkout tags/v1. If using the dotnet core CLI command, you can specify the same option: dotnet ef migrations add -o Data\Migrations. Jul 27, 2023 · Here's a quick way to do that: In Solution Explorer, right-click the project and choose Open Folder in File Explorer from the context menu. also seems not working. You can find more details here and here. Once you have migrations ready to deploy, create a bundle using the dotnet ef migrations bundle. Open the Package Manager Console in Visual Studio. Aug 22, 2021 · I am still in early development (where dropping databases is perfectly acceptable) so I tried to squash the whole thing. It provides commands like add-migration, remove-migration to create & remove migrations. Example: Add-Migration -o Data\Migrations. Jun 9, 2017 · it was something like: dotnet ef database drop -e development in version 1. The EF Core Tools only scaffold migrations for the active provider. Once migrations are generated, we update the database using the update-database. May 14, 2017 · dotnet ef migrations add InitialMigration (create the 1st migration) After executing these commands, the database becomes migration aware and can handle future updates to its structure. Each migration represents a set of changes to the database schema. 9. If you use . Employees Add-Migration Add_Employee_ManagerId Add-Migration version 2 Add-Migration v2_Add_Employee_ManagerId Jul 15, 2018 · 3. Steps to install locally. The only difference is that one is for PowerShell/Package Manager Console and another one is for Console, So you can run any of these two according to your requirement. Tools. As a result, running dotnet ef database update fails because most of the tables have already Nov 10, 2020 · Using a MigrationOperation. Jan 10, 2023 · Set the default project to Shared, EF will look for the context model inside and add migrations there. Defaults to the last migration. This command will enable migration in our project by creating the Configuration class within the Migration folder in our application. Bạn có thể quay về một phiên bản bất kỳ trong danh sách bằng cách thực hiện lệnh dotnet ef database update tên_quay_về. Apr 26, 2018 · I'm using dotnet ef migrations add {MigrationName} in order to create a new migration. It can be used on any platform. You can just run dotnet ef migrations add or Add-Migration in the package manager console ( as mentioned by David) to generate a class with empty Up and Down methods. Replace ` ` with the name of the migration you want to remove. dotnet ef migrations add <name of migration>. Jun 27, 2017 · The easiest way to identify the problem: 1. public class DynamicSchemaConvention : Convention. Tools is used for the package manager console i. Build started Build succeeded. Finally, choose Create. Install the tool via dotnet tool install dotnet-ef --version versionNumber. ll gl if we cs yk pb sq bn hl