My wife is unattractive reddit

Last UpdatedMarch 5, 2024


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I also just can't stand alpha cc, it looks horrible to me pretty much always. Even in the bad times, you still know you want to be close to her at times. BettrThnUR. People say my boyfriend [25/M] of 3 months is too ugly for me [25/F] Relationships. Is less physically affectionate with younot just sex, but hugging, kissing, hand holding, etc. I just am not attracted to her face. Embarrassed when we go out with my friends, who tried ripping on me once, and I snapped at them and they haven't done that since. For my ethnic group being too light is considered ugly because you would look too much like Central or Coast Kenyans. Having good manners is a sign of Iman I think you have over judged her religious and overlooked her akhlaq when marrying her brother. I have done so countless times before. I mean really overweight to the point where I do not find her attractive anymore. She gives me uncanny valley vibes now. Now, people also mention I'm very smart, kind, and other things. He ugly, but we're soulmates. Today, my wife is strong, and doesn’t interacted with her A place for sharing the for-better and for-worse of marriage. I have been married for years and my wife loves me but she doesn't like my feet, they say they are ugly and she can't even touch them. Edit for typo. Good makeup isn't even noticeable. Basically that, they say I'm too good looking for him, therefore implying I'm too good for him. My wife is great, let me start off with that. She said this in a humorous manner. Otherwise things just get worse the longer both of your needs go unmet. A place to get personal things off your chest. Not someone who normally does this but I don't really have anyone else I can vent to. Reddit I need help with a question. i don’t even know if he’s admitted this to himself. And the hardest part of that was I had beautiful parents. It varies depending on ethnicity but the general rule is you can't be too dark like West Kenyans or ethnic Somalis. • 3 yr. The reaction feels like repulsion. One session, she just asked me: I want the truth. Beauty is subjective, and everyone has their own opinion. TIFU by calling my wife ugly for months. Wife said she hasn’t been attracted to me for most of our relationship and realized it was a problem when she started to ‘get to know’ her handsome coworker (claims it wasn’t anything to do with her paramour but just doesn’t love me anymore and isn’t as happy at home as she is at work. there’s more to it but this isn’t the place for that) Now she’s gone. My wife is a gorgeous Native American woman, and I look like a tweaker. My question is do I really have ugly feet? Same issue in Kenya. We were both virgins and very inexperienced. It's not for you, you don't need to understand. My advice, tell her everyday how beautiful she is to you. when i try to initiate, he says that it “tickles” but it didn’t used to. I’ve been trying over the last few years to get my wife on board but she doesn’t stick with it. Formal-Honeydew1334. I really did. We had discussed it and I was against it. Lonely_inLA. All are welcome to participate. My issues had everything to do with me and nothing to do with my husband. your wife could be 30000lbs and you would still be taking up the most space in the room with your appalling (lack of) character. She looks weird now. If it's not that then you should probably end it. Sorry if i am coming or as insensitive. I feel incredibly guilty but at the same time incredibly sad and frustrated. She says she is too busy and when she does workout she doesn't try very hard because she says she pees herself (our son was a big baby and she has problems now) If I get a snake tattoo across my face is she allowed to say she isn't a fan? Money and age: We are both in our mid thirties. Most ultra rich people are olderand acquired the wealth in middle age. I've done plenty of reading about this on the internet, but it's clear the advice out there isn't very good. Become best friends with their pet so you can steal them. But I guess she just loves me and doesn't usually give a shit about what people think. . We got together pretty young (19 and 18) . Don't just tell her she's not attractive, because you'll hurt her feelings a lot more. Anyway, so today my dad comes up and tells me that he doesn't like how my new girlfriend looks. Take your wife for runs with you. Just trying to be brutally honest. That’s when my wife told me she finds it unattractive and wishes I wouldn’t do it. But you don't need to find her sexy and appealing in the moment. My wife and I met through her dad who had been one of my schoolmates. Remember everyone has their own journeys and iA with time she’ll get there if you go about it the right way. Now that I am fully healed and I’ve had multiple surgeries to get my pre-baby body back, he finds me “attractive” once again. Ultimately: I have not stopped loving my wife. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver The iPhone X has a face unlock feature. The fact that my bf only weighs 10lbs more than me is kind of disheartening sometimes but it's definitely no hit on his attractiveness level. Gets irritated with you easily (not willing to put up with your flaws anymore or doesn't find them cute anymore) Doesn't care when you don't pay attention to her. Novel-Ad8135. The problem is that I don't find my wife attractive and don't think I love her anymore. You can try being friends, as long as both of you agree to it, and just do it as nicely as possible. (my profile picture it's my feet) Only serious answer please. i don’t think that my husband finds me attractive anymore. My wife came home yesterday and we finally had a long talk. I was hanging out with my husband outside as he watered the plants, then when 2 random normal looking young women were walking around the school across the street from our house he looked over once and said, “is there a reason you It wouldn’t be productive to tell her “it’s ugly” or “i find tattoos unattractive”, because there is no way that she won’t take that as a personal attack. I am so fucking done with this marriage. Yes, you are allowed to feel attraction to the person you are with. My wife and i h e been together 3 and 1/2 years. Yesterday I (31m) was joking with my wife (31f), and at a certain point she told me my face is ugly. My brother use to weigh 359 pounds and he’s now 190 and in shape. I think you should have a real nice talk with her as what are the fears she has corresponding to her body image issues that she is ashamed to admit or might not know of. So the reality is no, being overweight or big boned or chubby or whatever you want to call your shape, does not make you unattractive. It was not my decision and ultimately I had no say. Most women are unattractive to me. Large people always talk about, “it’s my choice” but they are Essentially signing their own death warrant by being Ideally, you're always attracted to your wife. He was determined and became healthy. Throwaway account obviously -. Don’t force her to get religious with you, instead encourage her so that with time she’ll be influenced by you and do things on her own. Let me just explain how important Akhlaq is. I think she’s the most beautiful woman. I (M25) told my GF she (21) is too loose. It may have made you feel invalidated, and like being vulnerable in front of her is perceived as weakness, which especially for men results in you being less likely to open up. During our marriage, sometimes I have made more, sometimes she has made more. She was the last to need such attention. I had to lie to my kids that I was sick and in a lot of pain. Her mom gave her the money as a gift. [deleted] That’s really interesting what you said about “women” meaning women men find attractive. Ok here goes, my wife and I have been married about 6 years and in the time we dated, until marriage and now she's become overweight. If you want some ironic revenge you can always become a spellcaster and use a spell to make him ugly, then one to make him fall in love with the ugliest sim you know. We have been going to counseling and my wife at first has been very reluctant to open up and wanted to pretend that everything was fine. If you force her, it’s just going to push her further away. I thought she was knockout gorgeous. My wife is ugly, how do I fix her? Remove helmets of females (or males aswell) during conversation (they look wonky)? Add more hair (or upgrade their texture) to the game? Improve looks of females in any way? The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver I don't find my wife attractive. She says it makes sense at night; but during the day why shouldn’t I stand? I told her it’s nice to sit and pee because I don’t need to use my hands, there’s no splash back to avoid, and I don’t have to lift the lid up and back down after. Nah, bad makeup makes you look ugly. I need some Christian advice. Since then I've had a very hard time feeling sexually attracted to Embarrassed being tagged in photos with her on social media. Since 2017 we have been trying to lose weight, and I’ve managed to lose 60lbs and I’m now thin, and in my healthy BMI range. But I have a feeling they talk lots of shit behind my back. I am working through a major change (maybe mid-life crisis) over 3 months and decided to commit to putting more time and energy into wife and relationships. It might be a problem if it actually lowers your quality of life, but there are many qualities involved on overthinking, if the person finds unattractive it's a he/she problem. My question is do I really have ugly feet? For the most part I think my girlfriend is beautiful. Maybe also tell her how her saying you're sensitive makes you feel. A place for sharing the for-better and for-worse of marriage. I think it's just one of the only beauty products that women can see all the time while they're wearing it. She didn’t cry this time but she hasn’t been happy since. We have two beautiful children together. Then why don't you guys go ahead and separate so she can be with someome who will find her attractive and want to have sex with her. It serves as a nice break from life, some couples time with your wife, and you both get healthier and lose weight. ago. Soulmates But the chemistry is just okay and she thinks he's ugly. I also know that this post is going to make me sound bad but before I begin, I have never and I will never say anything about this to anybody. Aphazie. From my perspective, it’s not specifically about the tattoo, for either of you. My wife noticed and said “dad I’m not a child” his response was “ oh is my baby a young woman already”. Then again the same with my wife, and her family. ryngotchi. They aren't incredibly unattractive; plenty of people (both male and female) have them and personally I hardly notice them on my partners. Is relieved when you don't want to spend time with her. '. Brother your wife lacks Akhlaq - Good manners. My dad admired the baby and said how healthy he looked. Feeling unattractive during pregnancy can easily be because of more than just looks. With that stated, I'd love to hear any stories/insights that anyone can offer. Onto the problem. View community ranking #35 in Largest Communities. As a shallow man I wouldn't have gone on more dates in the beginning if her looks throw me off. Not that I wouldn't tell him anyway, just that I'd have let him know when I felt it was appropriate. I don’t understand why you assume that she has self-confidence issues because she don’t like the way she looks in photos. My guy friends find a lot of women attractive and I often I wish I could do the same, they get to enjoy dating and just noticed that my sim thinks her long term boyfriend in very unattractive! We're soulmates. Skinny guys are awesome. You get to chat together without any distractions, and you get exercise. CougarOn_TheProwl. Confidence will always matter more than a few stretch marks. If I was to rate him it’s probably be a 9/10. I can put myself in both your shoes. My fiancé is ugly without a beard. The people here will tell you you're selfish and a bad person, in my opinion you're neither, if your wife cared about being attractive she would find time to work out, like you have plus she would keep a clean diet, she may not. In my case, it was so. My wife told me I am conventionally unattractive. It's far more acceptable for males to have extra pounds than females. I think it differs for men and women though. Other phones do this too, but the X was just officially announced. I mean she is beautiful, but I am not chomping at the bit to get to bed anymore. Specifically, I’m finding my wife ugly at times/ from certain angles and having what feels like an immediate and unavoidable reaction. I have had wandering eyes and even more disturbingly wandering thoughts, like This is a you problem and I suggest you seek therapy. 4. My wife had plastic surgery recently. For most women, makeup gives them a confidence boost. Most are people who can't seem to wrap their A woman with a great personality will always be a 10. 1. I’ve been with my fiancé (m24) for almost two years now. Khalessimena. I tried to hold myself together for my kids but I couldn't and I just wept like a big fucking baby. Yep, Im feeling a very strong affection for this at this time. Been with my wife for 8 years now, and over that time our weight has fluctuated. She had our son a year and a half ago, she still hasn't lost the 15 lbs. They convinced her that she was starting to look old and that I would find someone else to be with if she did not do something. I am really shocked I ended up married to her; everybody that knows me never lets me forget how lucky I am. Not to my tastes but I seem to be alone with some of my opinions what what is pretty and what I find really ugly. Then, you can seduce their partner and burn thier house down. I manage the finances, but we dont keep track of what each spends on non-essentials. We were watching a show where they said that ugly people are more likely to be successful, she turned to me and said that indeed I am successful therefore the theory makes sense. We have had combined finances since day 1. Like if one of you has a fever and snot running down your nose and feeling awfully sick, the other person isn't expected to look at them and think, "Yeah, I Sex and intimacy is one of the cornerstones of a good relationship so I want to try and get over this. The subreddit for all things dedicated to Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord. Tell her what you just said in the thread. After a few years, she gained some weight (think 25%) and ran into severe acne in adulthood leaving some scarring. Jeff bezos wife was there from the beginning. i The only time she is unattractive is when she is super angry or the kids (or me) have annoyed her in some way, but when she is happy and content she is the sexiest woman alive. To be fair, you can really love a person and connect with them, but not find them attractive. •. I am objectively a 3/10, all my rating converge at that point. Sometimes she'll nag me to put a little more effort into my appearance, but usually she's fine. I'd be hard-pressed to say I'm ugly because I am not. So what is happening now I see more of as a disese than I am clearly seeing reality. That means she respects you enough to tell you her opinion. Last week he messed up shaving, and the not look “stupid” as he put, he decided to shave everything. she doesn't even try. Reply reply. That, to me, is a kind of ego boost. He runs marathons and is a health coach. If she has underlying issues she hasn't dealt with, then they are probably something you aren't even aware of. I have always thought I am beautiful”. Being chubby myself, I felt like I managed to snag someone out of my league. I know they didn't believe me. I am just not physically attractive. Not that big of a downside in my opinion. You'd have to look like Karlie Kloss or Taylor Swift to make me think that you're attractive. Like. I guess the biggest downside is that skinny guys have hip bones that stick out and can cause some soreness after sexing. When you get older, you begin to realize that everyone wants from you, even your spouse - but the love of your life, even if that's only yourself, needsyou. Reply. I know it it happens that sometimes husbands find their wives unattractive during pregnancy, but I have been feeling like this even before the pregnancy. When I say my wife is wickedly smart, she really is - Sarah is a doing a MBA, my wife has no business degree what so ever, but Sara will come to her a problem and after a couple hours of research my wife would have almost a finished paper for Sara and some of her work has gotten the highest grades in her class. We had a pretty decent sex life in the last two years. She thought being drunk made me say my true feelings. In short, my sweet girl is fat. I'm not attracted to my overweight wife. When you fall in love with someone a lot of those physical blemishes disappear. If she really cares about the relationship, I’m sure she’ll be willing to talk things out. But you are going to have to act like a grown man and break up with her if you are try unfulfilled in the relationship. First of all Everyone is beautiful the way they are. Because we don’t want to separate. It goes along with the feeling of invisibility that you get when you stop being conventionally attractive. Award. 37. Well you know that saying, ‘if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best. When we do household chores together, she I (33/M) sometimes think my girlfriend (27/f) is ugly and I want to stop scrutinizying her apperance My title is a bit click-baity so I hope you hear me out before you react. It's okay to have a preference but what your'e doing posting this and shaming (saying ugly) those that use makeups is not. I love her. (This is not low esteem, I presented my best self in many polls and even got paid-for ratings (yes that is a thing)). I’d like to find a way to not respond this way and rather focus on her positives, or do something else that stops my reaction. Today he made another comment while we were all in the car, and I sighed and opened the window. just doing my cross stitch and my mind starts to wander. Asking for wife to meet needs in needy and unattractive. and lost their luster (again, in the classical sense). My wife makes twice (or more) than I do any given year. I'm glad you can make sims you're happy with. But, it is ok to communicate with her your disappointment in her getting a tattoo behind your back. I felt like a little boy who just got bullied again. Ever since the high school reunion where I caught up with him, I have visited their house multiple times, leading to a private relationship with my now wife whom I had recently married a At the company Christmas party like 20 years ago my dad's new-ish coworker brought his baby. Usually people has the fear of being judged. It is, of course, awesome. If they like to wear makeup, then let them wear makeup. When the coworker walked away to introduce his baby to somebody else, my dad turned to the woman next to him and said, "That has to be the ugliest baby I've ever seen in my life. I'm by no means a supermodel, so it's not like people are just focused on looks. Before I begin, let me clarify: I am seeking insight from women with husbands who have always been unattractive in the classical sense, not ones whose husbands were attractive but then gained weight, lost hair, etc. My wife says I am ugly. She does not want to change. Not for opinions, not for relationship advice, and not for preaching. About me:I am a 3/10. Looks aren’t everything and obviously she put aside looks and values your personality. I am in no way trying to make you feel guilty. You are valid in feeling hurt by her comment, but you also have to be confident in yourself or you will attract people with ugly souls. Now, I know I can just ask him to piss off, but I love my dad . " I was an ugly baby that turned into an ugly child and I'm now an unattractive adult. Having good manners is a major part of the religion and people overlook it. off the charts pretty. 5. Editor's note: OOP responds to a LOT of comments. 3. Looking for advice. That is, the whole person, flaws and all - the challenges, the victories, the defeats, the dark places, the grey spaces, and especially the light. Her mother broke her, until she developed an eating disorder, and she almost died. My wife was a former athlete and runway model. Some women get self concious about it. Alright here goes: After a half year of relationship we decided to have sex. When you grow old your wife will have to be the one to fish out your poops from the bathtub when you cannot control your bowel movements. So even if she loved the way she looks now, most people don’t feel attractive when they’re nauseous for example. Lately, (the past year or so) I have steadily declined in the times I have found my wife attractive. ADMIN MOD. But okay, I sometimes thinks my girlfriend is ugly. No one ever has to stay with someone you aren't attracted to. Wide noses and round faces are disliked by most Kenyans and being fat is basically a sin. Nope. Her mother was jealous, and my wife was susceptible back then. Husband basically implied that I am unattractive. And another. If her phone unlocks by a walrus she must look like a walrus. Nevertheless she was pretty open about lots of stuff and had never any insecurities. my husband doesn’t show as much affection anymore. We met years ago. Once I got the professional help I needed, things became soo much better. Wife is overweight and I'm finding her unattractive. Then that person you're dating is not intellectually attractive/stimulated 🤣. This has included being present, listening, sympathizing, attention, daily back rubs, more chores and being on top of things more. She had the fat sucked out of her face, lip fillers, a neck lift, other stuff I don't really get. PLEASE don't string her along for years. They drove to school and I called off work. She told me that the reason she had the surgery was because her mom and sister talked her into it. Shit, over the years of my marriage my wife has just gotten hotter and hotter in my eyes. the fact that you don’t find your wife’s body inexplicably more beautiful and desirable after she provided you life & a family together shows I'm the ugly partner. When I met him he had facial hair and was immediately attracted to him. The goal is for both of us to live our best lives. tl;dr: My wife is overweight and I'm not interested in sex with her. [deleted] • 9 yr. It freaks me out. 2. Then one morning she just said, “you know, I have never felt as ugly as I have felt this past week. Sarah looks up to my wife a lot. Because they married before they got rich. My wife is not attracted to me and its frustrating. Make it a couples thing. I mean, don't get me wrong, I don't give a shit what their exes looked like, but it's also kinda endearing like aw, look at you, breaking up with this hot person and getting with me. Update: I broke my wife and I don’t think it is fixable. I see my feet and they are normal feet. Me and my wife are both christians so "get a divorce" just isn't UPDATE on finding my wife unattractive after her plastic surgery. She is like a master at being functional, whereas I'm not. Her:She was always the girl ThrowawayDudemeister. . I have a hard time dating, or even keeping a relationship, because I'm uninterested in all women. You need to fix this, you need to grovel; and you need therapy to get over this. So, I do think my wife is much more attractive than me and I tell her all the time she's hot selfish, zero emotional intelligence, zero empathy nor compassion. They convinced her that she was starting to look old and that I would find someone else to be with if she did not do The issue is that my wife is fully embracing this behavior, and over the past 4 months she has gradually started acting more like a child. She could get depressed if you tell her that and it'll eat her self esteem too much. Bigguccimanbag. he doesn’t initiate sex anymore. I do realize that this is incredibly shallow on his part. Ha, I'm usually the least attractive person they've dated. It’s like, you’re not really here/a woman if a man doesn’t see you as a hole to put his dick in. You're free not to paint your nails. It's also one that you can be the most playful with and doesn't take too much skill to apply half decently. I, 35 M, think my wife, 22 F, is unattractive because she doesn't care about us anymore. If you’re determined to stick with it, then I suggest you address your wife and be honest about how you feel. I was drunk. Her bloated face makes her ugly. dy sc jm zf kd hv co oj io xw