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Listbox disable selection wpf

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  • I have IsSynchronization set to true but making it false also do not solve my problem. Value>. At the start of your PopulateListBoxmethod, set it to false, and at the end set it back to true. So, instead of disabling the listbox selection, we can override the system colors in such a way that , even when the list box is selected Is there a nice way (except retemplating the whole TreeViewItem. The problem is that when selecting an already selected item (no SelectionChanged occurs) then we can still move the mouse up or down to change the selection. Now I want to fetch BoothID i. <ListBoxItem Content="asdfasdf" />. There will be one item in the OldItems collection. Using the arrow keys, a user can move focus independently of selection. Refer to: ListView Selected Item Style Override. To reselect an item that has been unselected you can keep track of the last selected item in a private field, which should always be updated in the SelectionChanged event. . I'd like to programatically clear the selection of the currently selected item in my ListView. Then you can use code to check for a value of " ". This enables users to select multiple items one by one Jun 4, 2010 · 24. In other words, it should be enabled only if user selects ONE item in the ListBox. Jan 3, 2014 · With below code I'm able to disable a ComboBox within ComboBox but it would not stop user from selecting that disabled ComboBox item. The funkiness you are experiencing happens when the mouse "drag" goes above the top of the list or below the bottom of the list. Therefore I seem to be out of ideas. My solution was to sub-class the WPF combo-box and add an internal handler for the SelectionChanged event. SelectedValue the output is same. answered Jan 16, 2019 at 2:50. microsoft. 1) Create ItemContainerStyle for the ListBox. 14. Jun 11, 2016 · EDIT: The only way I could get this to work was to redefine the ListViewItem ControlTemplate. // If have selected an item via left click, then do a right click, need to disable that initial selection. MouseEventArgs e) {. 803 2 9 12. Insert whatever u want in button <ListView. Oct 20, 2008 · 6. . Once finished interacting, to continue automatic scrolling, user drags the scroll bar to the bottom and lets go, or uses 1. An example: <ListView. The ListBox template uses a system color called ControlBrush to set the inactive highlight color. wpf. But if listbox is not empty and it has a selected item, I want to enable button. SelectionMode property to None before the binding process, and restore it back in the ListBoxControl 's Feb 28, 2011 · To select all the different items I have to click each checkbox one by one, or do a select all (which I have a separate button for). <Setter Property="HorizontalContentAlignment" Value="Left"/>. Mar 4, 2012 · 1) This function will unsellect all items when you clicked on the empty space in the listbox: private void someListBox_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) {. If my listbox is empty or not empty but no item selected, I want to disable button. VS will automatically insert the code behind for you, then you can put this in the event handler: button1. For example, if you view is myview. What I tried: <Button Click="EditSingleEntryButton_Click">Edit selected. Name = "Open Tickets By Member". ListIndex) from one column (visible) to another that is not (width = 0). Try setting the image's IsHitTestVisible property to False. 60. HighlightBrushKey}">Transparent</Brush>. first picture. Validating within the SelectionChanged event handler allows you to cancel your logic if the selection is invalid, but I don't know of an easy way to cancel the event or item selection. <ListBox. </ Style >. GetItemText! Feb 23, 2011 · 9. Oct 26, 2017 · I have a WPF Listbox with AlternationCount=2. Please could someone advise if this is possible. There are 2 tricks you should try: 1. Jul 18, 2013 · The problem is that when the ListBox appears first time, the selected item ("One") is not highlighted. This is WPF responding to the second event, which you are just about to receive. Jan 12, 2012 · var listbox = d as ListBoxScroll; listbox. I have a ListBox in single-selection-mode containing some items. Jul 5, 2017 · If you wish to change the initial background color of your listbox this would need to be moved into the style. 0. <Style TargetType="ListBoxItem" BasedOn="{StaticResource MyStyle}">. The last solution was not working. But the problem is this: just last item will be selected by my code! In addition I use WPF . Add( New ListPanels1() With {. I want to remove the gray background in the picture. Anyway, this will uncheck all checkboxes and remove the highlighting effect: foreach (int i in clb. This answer is correct: Editing the ListBox template and removing the ScrollViewer from it will actually accomplish what was requested. The ComboBox control. List(Listbox1. This kind of depends on if this is a WPF project, or a WinForms project. Sep 20, 2018 · Perhaps there is another method to program what you want to achieve. In order to modify it, you can write your own control for your ListViewItem. } } You can either explicitly construct these ListBoxItems in your ItemsSource or you can also subclass ListBox to use your custom Jan 10, 2017 · 12. com Using the arrow keys, a user can move focus independently of selection. When your selected items become grayed out it is because your control is losing its logical focus. UnselectAll(); } 2) When you click the lisboxt item, it is blue. IsHitTestVisible = false; comboBoxName. The items scroll into view because the default behavior on list item click is to call BringIntoView (). {. but it did not work. Sep 9, 2009 at 10:30. cs. Oct 19, 2017 · 2. End Function End Class. SelectedIndex= -1. This prevent the user from selection this option, and it gets a gray overlay. Have a look here: Disable particular item in the ListBox. Apr 15, 2015 · 4. SelectedIndex > 0; If you are using WPF you can do Jun 15, 2016 · C# code behind: (run on window's load event) ListBoxItem LBI = (ListBoxItem) listbox_xaml. Nov 12, 2009 · Not necessarily true. This seems like it should be something fairly simple, but I just can't seem to get it to work. Windows doesn't dispatch MouseOver messages while in drag&drop mode. xaml, the code file name for this event handler should be myview. Focusable = false; Use these two line code together. Example of propper drag&drop: private void listBox_MouseDown(object sender, System. Before. Now you can pass the person to your command via the CommandParameter ( CommandParameter=" {Binding}" ). Second line will prevent you to tab to it. I used the Style class and set the style in the code of custom listbox. Sep 19, 2013 · 3. Triggers>. That way, the user will never be able to select anything in the Listbox. SelectionMode = SelectionMode. Jan 9, 2011 · 7. listbox. This approach of trying to override the system colours doesn't work on Windows 8 and later. IsEnabled = listbox1. 8k 17 80 142. <Button. In the preview mouse up event compare that variable from the down event to MyListBox. answered Sep 22, 2010 at 21:20. Nov 20, 2011 · Create an event handler that removes focus from the Listbox and subscribe the handler to the Listbox's GotFocus event. the expected output is 4 but i am unable to get so. After. Handle the PreviewKeyDown event to and set e. 2) Set that style to Listbox. Whenever the event fires, my private internal Mar 8, 2017 · To hide the border, use <ListBox BorderThickness="0"/> If you don't want to have a selection, use an ItemsControl instead of the ListBox. You can handle the SelectionChanged event and set a selection if the SelectedItem evaluates to null. 1. Aug 1, 2014 · First, you will receive the SelectionChanged event from the ListBox, indicating one item in the RemovedItems collection. It is just for display. This screenshot shows the hover effect I'd like to hide or get rid of: This is (a simplified version) of the XAML code I currently have: <ListBox. Look at VS debug window for binding errors. < Setter Property = "Focusable" Value = "False" />. <l:WindowControl x:Key="ListBoxItemBackgroundConverter" />. listboxitem. 5 and there aren't ListboxItem. XAML: <ListView MouseDown="emptyEventHandler" MouseDoubleClick="emptyEventHandler" > <ListView. Subscribe to preview mouse up and mark the handled to true. GetFields(); Fields = new ObservableCollection<Field>(myFieldList); When I do this, the list box automatically defaults to selecting the first item. Heres my datatemplate: <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">. In your handler, check the bounds of the sender against the visible region and if you decide that May 25, 2009 · 20. – Shimmy Weitzhandler. See full list on learn. listview. Nov 8, 2010 · Since you mention winforms, one way is to set the property of the button IsEnabled=false in the property explorer. ControlBrushKey}">Red</SolidColorBrush>. I've tried setting SelectedValue to null, setting SelectedItem to null, setting the SelectedIndex to -1, and even tried calling the UnselectAll method. <Style x:Key="disabledListBoxWithScroll" TargetType="{x:Type ListBox}">. You need to modify the ControlTemplate of the ListViewItem container. 309 2 9. SelectionMode = System. The button needs to be disabled if multiple items in Listbox are selected. SelectedIndex and if they are the same set MyListBox. I would like the item to be selected when the mouse is over the selected item, without having to press click first. // Get the index of the item the mouse is below. IsEnabled to false but this doesnt have teh desired effect. To disable on or more options in your listbox/dropdown, you can add the "disabled" attribute as shown below. MORE selection fixes, arrgh AvaloniaUI/Avalonia. 1 participant. SetItemCheckState(i, CheckState. So I don't want the background to change when I click on the item. I don't want to remove the selection or highlight, I want to be able to select items programmatically, but not through the user-interface. Edit or directly bind the IsEnabled property of the ListBoxItem: <Style TargetType="{x:Type ListBoxItem}">. ScrollIntoView(e. I guess if you call DoDragDrop this behavior would disappear. Mar 19, 2013 · I am relatively new to WPF, but I would like to know how can I enable a listbox to select an item based on a mouseover event instead of the button click. EDIT: Forgot to state the obvious: as an alternate solution, you can just replace ItemsControl with ListBox:) Also, check out this Optimizing Performance on MSDN page and notice that ItemsControl isn't in the "Controls That Implement Performance Features" table, which is why we need to edit the control template. Steps are bellow. Jan 24, 2019 · I have a listbox and I want to do it. SelectedIndex = -1 or SelectedValue = null ). This answer works great, but huge heads up here: If you use this method, your controls will not display any indicator of which is ListBoxItem selected; on_any_event_that_should_change_whats_selected() { selected=whatever_you_want_selected; } on_selection_changed() { theListBox. Aug 1, 2015 · This is a part of my program I have a string from sql and a Listbox, I want to select those Items in Listbox that exist in string. @Peter This should be the accepted answer. Does it really make sense to have a selected item inside a selected item, inside a selected item? I would suggest changing the "inner" ListBoxes to simple ItemsControls so that the nested lists can't have selected items. Feb 12, 2012 · 1) for the one who marked my question as duplicate, you didn't understand the question, i am the one who posted the duplicate as well. Don't disable virtualization. NewValue); It basically exposes a new dependency property ScrollSelectedItem which I bind to the SelectedFoo property on my view model. I want to avoid first item selection that happens by default in Listbox when application loads. The following code hides the border around the ListBox and does always show a white background on the item (if its generated through the ItemsSource-property). While pressing Shift: A user can select multiple contiguous items by clicking or tapping the first item in the selection and then the last item in the selection. A user interaction with the listbox stops automatic scrolling - AKA obnoxious behavior. Feb 9, 2009 · 8. Everything works fine but it looks really ugly because the listbox automatically selects an item if the mousebutton is down and the cursor is moving over a item. Apr 23, 2009 · You need to set FocusVisualStyle of each ListBoxItem to null. Do not allow unselect/deselect in ListBox. I then hook into the property changed callback of the dependent property and scroll the newly selected item into view. In my demo , I found it works. That would make for a much simpler Jan 16, 2021 · maxkatz6 commented on Jan 17, 2021. Possibly the easiest way is to implment an IsSelected property in you PersonViewModel and bind that to the IsSelected of your ListBoxItem with a two-way binding. One of the main differences is the fact that the ListBox control actually deals with selections, allowing the end-user to select one or Remember that each ListBox is a Selector and has a concept of which item is "selected". Oomph Sonar. How could I have the selected by default item to be highlighted to the system color? Thanks. <Setter. answered Apr 28, 2011 at 8:41. Oct 18, 2011 · Text="{Binding CompMFGText}"/>. To keep the event from firing, here are two options I have used in the past: Unregister the event handler while setting the DataSource. The RadListBox provides three selection modes, which allow you to manipulate the type of selection. So, to achieve the desired behavior, I suggest that you set the ListBoxControl. private int previousSelection = 0; //Give it a default selection value. I don't want the user to be able to select any items from list. DataSource = GrpList; UsersListBox. Jul 29, 2016 · I know that I can disable selection by disabling the ListBoxItems with a style, but this makes the binding void. <Style TargetType="{x:Type ListBoxItem}">. I used this common technique to hide the ListBox selection, which is not used for anything: <Style TargetType="ListBoxItem">. //it will be active. Public Property Name As String Public Overrides Function ToString() As String Return Me . For WinForms: this isn't possible by default. ItemContainerStyle> <Style TargetType Mar 19, 2012 · 3. <SolidColorBrush x:Key="{x:Static SystemColors. It is generally unadvisable to change the default behaviour of controls as many users will be used to this behaviour. Ooi Yoong Khang. Name. Apr 10, 2014 · 0. Any help in disallow/block selection of disabled items would be helpful. When you right click the listbox item, it is still blue, but if a context menu appears, the May 8, 2012 · 1. selectedItem=selected; } My wpf skillz are a little rusty but I think you'll need to store the item and then generate a container, so this pseudocode is a vast oversimplification but the algorithm Oct 18, 2016 · I have a list box with an ItemContainerStyle which describes the style of each element in the listbox. ( default value) Multiple - items are added to the selection when they get clicked and get removed Jan 29, 2020 · In a ListView there are ListviewItems where they must not change appearance when the mouse is over them or they are selected. Oct 8, 2019 · items. Is very simply with Click Event. Store MyListBox. Template) to disable selection in TreeView? I am basically looking for the ItemsControl style of the TreeView (An ItemsControl is the best use to 'disable' selection on ListBox, read this post) Jan 16, 2019 · 1. ListItem item = new ListItem(yourvalue, yourkey); item. <Style TargetType="{x:Type ListBox}">. asked Apr 29, 2014 at 17:51. this is what I did. The ListBox control. When I click the one of the items, it changes as below. asked Feb 19, 2022 at 13:07. Update. Apr 24, 2018 · Option 1: This takes the user's selection and effectively remove it, while retaining the original ListIndex for all items. Jan 17, 2012 · I tried the above solution but it didnt worked as expected so I found another way to solve my problem which is to disable selection for listbox. clb. <Setter Property="FocusVisualStyle" Value="{x:Null}"/> . (changing the datatemplate is ok). SelectedItem I get the value { BoothID = "4", BoothName = "HP" } and even if i try to get the value from LstGroup1. Therefore, you can just override that color: <ListBox>. According to default behavior when user clicks on selected item with mouse, holding ctrl key pressed, the selection disappears. SelectedIndex = -1; Oct 13, 2009 · That doesn't do much. Apr 9, 2014 · I update the field collection quite frequently, like this: List<Field> myFieldList = myDataSource. This is controlled by the SelectionMode enumeration property which has the following entries: Single - only one item can be selected at a time. <Style. Jun 11, 2015 · 10. When I set IsEnabled="False" selection of the items in the listbox is disabled but the text and the background becomes gray. SelectionMode. The ComboBox control is in many ways like the ListBox control, but takes up a lot less space, because the list of items is hidden when not needed. So it would help if you would incorporate this type of information in your question. Count ; x++) //if element from listbox exists in the list of data. The ComboBox control is used many places in Windows, but to make sure that everyone knows how it looks and works, we'll jump straight into a simple example: <Window x:Class 5. g. Extended in code-behind or. SelectedIndexChanged -= UsersListBox_SelectedIndexChanged; UsersListBox. The ListBox control is the next control in line, which adds a bit more functionality. Extended: With no modifier keys: the behavior is the same as Single Using the arrow keys, a user can move focus independently of selection. I created a custom listbox and based on a bool I want to disable mouse hovering and mouse selection for few items. Give the code below a try and see if it resolves your issue: ListViewItem Style: <Style x:Key="LvItemStyle" TargetType="ListViewItem">. If I click on any item, it gets highlighted. I think the behavior you set up will only work well if the selection mode is Multiple. You can add an event handler for the RequestBringIntoView event and catch it before it bubbles up from the ListViewItems to the ScrollViewer. You may be able to delete the ScrollViewer scroll bar from the ListBox Template property. WPF Listbox remove selection by clicking on blank Nov 9, 2011 · 1. As we all know, that there is no property in ListBox such as "SelectionMode"= None. UsersListBox. Resources> <Style TargetType="{x:Type ListViewItem Dec 2, 2019 · The listview looks like the first picture when the program starts. – Fede. To be specific: To disable flickering in some Nov 26, 2014 · 10. //else it will be flagged inactive. <ListBox SelectionMode="Multiple" FocusManager. But it also disables interaction with item content, so probably it doesn't suits your Apr 3, 2013 · note: For your case, you'd want to change the Transparent color to whatever shade of Gray you want. You will wire this checkbox to the original Dec 3, 2010 · This was the ONLY solution that worked for me with a list box item template. There are a few ways to do this: Handle the double-click event in code behind, and then manually invoke a command/method on your ViewModel. The corresponding XAML just contains a listbox called lbItems and 2 buttons which hook up the eventhandlers. You can still tab to it and change the value with arrow keys, and drop down the list with F4. Style>. Exit Sub Public Class ListPanels1. Jun 24, 2013 · 0. See if that works. 2) @Madi, When the listbox is rendered, its first item is selected automatically, i want to disable this feature. " If you nevertheless want to stick with disabling mouse click event, I'd assign an empty event handler to the listbox and its items. <Setter Property="IsEnabled" Value="{Binding IsEnabled}"/>. I've found and tried many solutions on the internet which should allow me to disable the hover effect of my WPF ListBox but none of them seemed to work for me. IsFocusScope="True"></ListBox>. Like looks something like this: <ListBox. Having said that, surely you can get your desired effect (not being able to select ranges of items at once) from just using the ListBox. ItemContainerStyle>. I implemented that the user is able to reorder the items by drag&drop. 2. In the last article, we had a look at the ItemsControl, which is probably the simplest list in WPF. private void Chbox_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {. I've tried following steps: Implementing a Converter, checking the boolean and returning the right color. FranklinLee. That works, but it's a bit of a hack because the border element is still there. You might also need to set the ItemContainerStyle to make Jun 10, 2010 · In this case the easiest way is probably to subclass ListBoxItem to ignore it: public class ListBoxItemNoRightClickSelect : ListBoxItem. Apr 12, 2011 · 3. SelectedIndex = -1. This is the default behavior of the listbox, and cannot be changed. Aug 24, 2011 · 3. SelectedIndex into an object variable in the preview mouse down event. <Setter Property="Focusable" Value="False"/>. Use the bellow Style on the ListBox and you are good to go. I would like it to not select anything by default (e. The trick I use is to handle the SelectionChanged event and undo the selection, say by setting SelectedIndex to -1: <ListView SelectionChanged="ListView_SelectionChanged" />. I am a little late to give an answer here. Attributes. If you do not move this then the rule for "closest" defined value would be the one on the element itself and the style can't override this. I want to disable selection of the items in the box, but I want to keep the colors. Below is the code for the event handler "ComboBox_SelectionChanged" from the code file behind the view. Multiple controls have the ability to have logical focus at the same time. Edit: It seems to be some confusion, so I'll clarify. AccountItemsT33. Parent. I'm using a ListBox to display a list of editable objects whose template contains, among other things, a ComboBox. 21 1. WPF Disable ListBox Selection Workaround. Have a look over here: Disable ListBox items. <ListView SelectionMode="Extended"></ListView> in XAML. One solution proposed here was to just disable the right mouse button down event on the individual items, but I need that context menu because it's different from the one on the ListView itself. Jan 26, 2014 · Only other way to disable Selection highlight color is to override Template of ListBoxItem. In this example, we will demonstrate how we can disable the WPF listbox selection. Items[i]; for(int x = 0 ; x < data_list. Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue. I tried to do this way, but it not give me alow to make disable this item. Unchecked); clb. When I actually try LstGroup1. The idea is to disable unselect last selected element. Multiple: A user can select multiple items using the space bar, mouse click, or touch tap to toggle selection on the focused item. Controls. <Setter Property="Template">. The following code shows how you can move an item up and down by swapping the item in the collection. Aug 18, 2021 · The button needs to be enabled if ONE item in Listbox is selected. SelectedIndex = -1; // This optional line keeps the first item from being selected. Altamash, to my understanding, the reason why the white line is there is because wpf is using the default Windows Aero theme which includes that color scheme. <Brush x:Key="{x:Static SystemColors. You can do one of the following ListView. So a simple solution to this could be to give your ListBox a FocusScope via the FocusManager. Handled to true (you could check and disable only certain keys/modifiers which are provided with the KeyEventArgs passed to the handler): XAML: <ListBox PreviewKeyDown="listBox_PreviewKeyDown">. There might be many reasons for not wanting to use the original selection mechanism of a ListBox but still retain the functionality: just to name one example, consider a ListBox of images where you want to add an extra checkbox in the corner of each image to enable selection. My code is as follows: public DragDropListBox() Style itemContainerStyle = new Style(typeof(ListBoxItem)); This is made tricky because of the DoubleClick event. B) Have a private boolean in your class that's initially set to true. SelectionMode of Multiple instead. If I do Enable = "false" It grays out the items which I don't want. Windows. <Style x:Key="listBoxStyle" TargetType="{x:Type ListBoxItem}">. Inherit items control and implement your own selector. I do not want any item to be selected when ListBox loads until user selects any item from Listbox. <Style TargetType="{x:Type ListViewItem}">. <ListView. That might be enough but if there is any element of the template (i. Focus(); }; 1. GotFocus += (object anonSender, EventArgs anonE) => { txtBox. Second, the observable collection fires CollectionChanged, with the action being Remove. Here an exmaple with 2 Checkbox: chbox_pres is the first Checkbox. Sep 15, 2020 · Development. Jan 18, 2013 · I have a listbox and would like to make some of the items in the listbox non-selectable based on the a field in the binding. Resources>. The following line of code does that with an inline anonymous method: txtBox. chbox_dev is the second Checkbox. Chen Kinnrot. We now have a SelectionModel which tracks selection in SelectingItemsControl-derived controls (ListBox etc) in an efficient manner by storing selections as ranges of indexes, meaning that if I have a list of 1 Apr 9, 2018 · 1. WPF Listbox highlight part of ListBoxItem element Disable Selection or Focus on Feb 19, 2022 · wpf. protected override void OnMouseRightButtonDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e) {. This is a combo of two events that disables the mousemove selection. I tried to accomplish that with this style and did somewhat succeed: <Style x:Key="ItemContainerStyle1" TargetType="ListViewItem">. But if I want to select only half, then it is painful. someListBox. Use a Blend Behavior to map the DoubleClick event to your command. CheckedIndices) //clb is your checkListBox. 20. {Binding IsEnabled} in your ItemContainerStyle should do the work. I tried this but it doesn't work; Sep 22, 2012 · What you have to do, is modify the underlying collection, and because it's an ObservableCollection, the ListBox will reflect the changes. My ListBox name is LstGroup1. Selected item. @RomanSoloweow it works for me with simple style: < Style Selector = "ListBox ListBoxItem" >. The modifications to the MultiSelectListView below set the default selection mode to Multiple and assumes the user wants to Dec 16, 2011 · However, the button is not being enabled when the item is selected. you also have 'multiple' selectionMode yet you could rather go for 'extended' which allows the user to select multiple items only using shift modifier. I best way I've found so far is to remove all the items from the control, insert the selected, call SelectAll(), then insert the rest, but this solution neither works in my situation nor is very efficient. Add("disabled","disabled"); Jan 29, 2014 · 7. No need to override HighlightBrush in that case since it's already transparent by default. What I'd like to be able to do is click one, hold shift, click another and then click the checkbox next to one of them to toggle all those selected. Then add an event for the listbox OnSelectionChanged. Use an attached behavior to route the DoubleClick event to your Command. ListBox. e. xaml. None; Jun 25, 2013 · I need to implement custom behavior for ListBox control in wpf. valor_pres and valor_dev are blobal variables to save the value of each Checkbox. Sep 2, 2014 · I am trying to fetch the selected value of the listbox. I tried with. Jun 11, 2014 · This is example how you can edit ListViewItem control template. Using the arrow keys, a user can create a contiguous selection starting with the item selected when Shift is Jul 20, 2016 · Easy way: Use PreviewLeftMouseDownClick and PreviewLeftMouseUpClick. My intention was to set the color of an Item depending on a given Boolean value, lying in code. Jun 2, 2016 · I am using a telerik RadListbox to display a list of items. Sep 12, 2014 · The important points of the behavior are as follows: List box automatically scrolls to show new items as they are added asynchronously. If you just want to remove the border of selected item,try this : Add <Setter Property="BorderThickness" Value="0"/> in the trigger "IsSelected". I want the items to be black and not selectable. In the code-behind: private void ListView_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) {. Jun 14, 2018 · We have already discussed a similar question in the scope of the ListBoxControl - clear default selected first item - method UnSelectAll () does not work? thread. ComboBox in main window: <Grid>. <ComboBox HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top". This is how you do it: Just replace ListBox with ItemsControl that's it. Forms. So Make the ItemsPresenter Disabled and you will get this easily. Option 2: Move Listbox1. Net 4. The only way I found to get around this was to trick the ListView into Jul 7, 2018 · How to disable highlighting on listbox but keep selection? 3. note2: This will likely only work if you haven't changed the template for the listbox. ItemsSource = items. 3. Can also get same behaviour by setting a MouseRightButtonUp event on the whole listbox then: private void AccountItemsT33_OnMouseRightButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) {. comboBoxName. selected property and also listBox1. There are three ways you can go about this. Ive tried setting the listboxitem. }) lstPanels. Below are the code snippets. Feb 15, 2012 · Highlight selected items in listbox while it is in disabled mode C# how to see listbox selected item row number Can I select a listbox item in my program if the listbox is not visible May 6, 2009 · In WPF, I'd like to set the selected indexes of a System. I'm using material design xaml. If you look in to the control template of the ListBox, there is a ScrollBar and ItemsPresenter inside. a background panel) that is hit detectable you might have more work to do. < Setter Property = "IsHitTestVisible" Value = "False" />. For WPF: this is fairly simple. Jan 18, 2012 · We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Simply bind the IsChecked property of the checkbox to some relevant boolean value. CheckBox chk = (CheckBox)sender; Jan 23, 2017 · If multiple items are selected, they should stay selected so the user can delete them via the context menu. A) Don't hook into the SelectedIndexChanged event until AFTER you've called this method. az ju pa yb fc sg ik mh cl yw