Reindexar mysql. Rename new table to old table name.

Index and optimizer hints may be used separately or together. I know that in MySQL at the command line I can reset a table's auto-increment field to 1 with this: ALTER TABLE tablename AUTO_INCREMENT = 1 I am curious if there is a way to do this from within phpMyAdmin. If you're having locking issues, you may want to look into converting your MyISAM tables (or at least the tables with the biggest lock contention issues) to InnoDB. Oct 20, 2019 · drop index + create index 方法. It's unlikely that you're going to be inserting the data in the "correct" order for all of the indexes involved, which means that all of those indexes are likely to encounter a lot of page splitting during the insert process. The index entries act like pointers to the table rows, allowing the query to quickly determine which rows match a condition in the WHERE clause, and retrieve the other Apr 15, 2010 · I have got a simple MySQL table and primary index (id) is not numbered one by one (1, 31, 35, 100 etc. It doesn't need to be sexy, good looking, or follow a specific pattern or structure. For the query optimizer to generate the best possible query plans and use the right indexes, the indexes shouldn’t be fragmented. This statement is mapped to an ALTER TABLE statement to drop the index. Drop old table. 7. Here are See Section 15. and then we have rebotted the mysql, e recreated the index (we have tried several in Nov 29, 2012 · In Magento "re-indexing" means "run through a list of PHP classes and run their reindexAll methods". InnoDB uses this primary key value to search for the row in the clustered index. mysql < dump. Normally DBAs create an automated function or have tools to rebuild the indexes. Sej I have my mysql data and index files on disk1. answered Jan 9, 2017 at 18:36. mysql db_name < dump. Select the column or columns that you wish to index by checking the column name in the Index Columns list. In InnoDB, each record in a secondary index contains the primary key columns for the row, as well as the columns specified for the secondary index. The fact that you reach a duplicate entry maybe means that an unique index have been removed from an origin table. SHOW [EXTENDED] {INDEX | INDEXES | KEYS} {FROM | IN} tbl_name. First, the syntax to create indexes is: SQL. It will remove all the data and reset the auto increment. If the table has an index for the columns in question, MySQL can quickly determine the 17. – Kermit. このセクションでは、次の方法でテーブルまたはインデックスを再構築または修復する方法について説明します: MySQL によるデータ型または文字セットの処理方法の変更。. 25 DROP INDEX Statement. Chapter 4. 2. Sep 23, 2009 · Neither index name can be PRIMARY. Rebuild indexes. I need to reindex the table and do NOT have enough disk space on disk1. Jul 14, 2016 · Una vez dentro de nuestro phpMyAdmin vamos a realizar los siguientes pasos: Primero que nada debemos seleccionar nuestra base de datos. Feb 4, 2011 · The MySQL manual says: OPTIMIZE TABLE should be used if you have deleted a large part of a table or if you have made many changes to a table with variable-length rows. Okay, maybe not that. Launch SQLPlus on your computer. There are indexes on 3 columns, because when doing some statistics out of that table, it obviously speeds up those statistic queries. The query is something like this: ALTER TABLE tableName DROP `index`; ALTER TABLE tableName AUTO_INCREMENT = 1; ALTER TABLE tableName ADD `index` int UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY FIRST; However, if you want new rows to start from 1, you can use: ALTER TABLE tableName AUTO_INCREMENT = 1. 4 Column Indexes. If this is the case, then you probably want to expose it in the UI or to another app as a web service or other. AGAINST takes a string to search for, and an optional modifier that indicates what type of search to perform. Make sure that tables are re-indexed on a regular basis. TRUNCATE TABLE [TableName]; Is the same as. Indexes. Full-text searching is performed using MATCH() AGAINST() syntax. user must have the monitor cluster privilege and the read index privilege for the source I'm trying to figure out how I should be reindexing Sphinx. A new object is produced unless the new index is Apr 12, 2024 · Learn the process of reindexing a MySQL table to optimize performance and ensure efficient data retrieval. Feb 2, 2024 · Create Table and Indexes. I have log-type table in MySQL. 8, “ALTER TABLE Statement” . Index hints give the optimizer information about how to choose indexes during query processing. MySQL uses balanced Btrees sometimes it needs to rebuild parts off that tree. To rebuild all the tables in a single database, specify the database name without any following table name: mysqldump db_name > dump. This one is a functional version to rebuild all indexes to all tables in your schema: This guideline is especially important for InnoDB tables, where the primary key determines the physical layout of rows in the data file. Do I need to change it? Feb 10, 2012 · To rebuild a table by dumping and reloading it, use mysqldump to create a dump file and mysql to reload the file: mysqldump db_name t1 > dump. I don't want to guess. Right-click on the index rebuild task and click on Edit…. ALTER TABLE members DROP ID; ALTER TABLE members AUTO_INCREMENT = 1; ALTER TABLE members ADD ID int UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY FIRST; Feb 7, 2019 · How do I copy or clone or duplicate the data, structure, and indices of a MySQL table to a new one? This is what I've found so far. But only if an value need to be updated or added in the tree. g. As with most questions of this type, it depends. PostgreSQL REINDEX example. A summary of the procedure follows and later sections provide the details. Sep 5, 2023 · Here’s how you can do it for each table: Replace [table_name] with the name of the table you want to reindex. mysql> SHOW INDEX FROM City\G. OPTIMIZE TABLE tablename; Use to defragment a table that had a large delete. 4 InnoDB Full-Text Indexes. 那么我们能否在mysql中找到索引的创建或修改时间呢?经过查证,目前而言,mysql中是没有相关系统表或视图会记录索引的创建时间的,我们可以用间接的方法来间接验证,有些方法不是 特别可靠和 Oracle. Although in theory this should never happen, in practice indexes can become corrupted due to software bugs Apr 17, 2015 · 0. 9, so I don't have the ability to do real-time updates of the index. For details, see Section 17. How do I reindex a table on disk1 and use disk2 for the reindex disk space? For example, table foo is on disk1. One can reindex a single row or multiple rows by using reindex 8. 18) there is no suitable function inside mysql to re-create indexes. On the right panel, right-click SQL Server Agent. 3. A full-text index is defined as part of a CREATE TABLE statement or added to an existing table using ALTER TABLE or CREATE INDEX . ft_min_word_len = 3. Let’s see how can we Reindex the columns and rows in Pandas DataFrame. I think I read somewhere that this can be done usin Sep 12, 2014 · It's really hard to say how long your rebuild will take, as SQL itself doesn't really know in advance and cant give you an estimate. This statement requires some privilege for any column in the table. たとえば、照合順序のエラーが修正され、照合順序を使用する文字カラムの Jan 26, 2024 · Adding an index in MySQL 8 typically involves using the CREATE INDEX command. Apr 5, 2018 · 14. If the primary key is long, the secondary indexes use more space, so it is advantageous to have a short primary key. Dropping an index. 16 ORDER BY Optimization. CREATE INDEX enables you to add indexes to existing tables. Jan 27, 2013 This guideline is especially important for InnoDB tables, where the primary key determines the physical layout of rows in the data file. Here’s the basic syntax: CREATE INDEX index_name ON table_name (column1, column2, ); For instance, to create a single-column index: CREATE INDEX idx_lastname ON users (lastname); And here’s how you might create a multi-column index: CREATE INDEX idx_name ON Oct 17, 2020 · Does this mean that MySQL automatically indexes the existing table when I create a new index? Yes, it does. Connect to an Oracle database by typing a "connect" command as follows: connect user_id@database MySQL 8. REPAIR TABLE tablename; Fixes corrupted tables/index. This statement requires SELECT and INSERT privileges for the table. Jul 11, 2015 · To 're-index' the table I did things in this order: Created new table based on old tables structure. Deepak Goyal1. Rename new table to old table name. Do I need to reindex the table after delete? I want to increase the performance. The format resembles that of the SQLStatistics call in ODBC. Copy and run in SQL command. Full-text indexes are created on text-based columns ( CHAR , VARCHAR, or TEXT columns) to speed up queries and DML operations on data contained within those columns. Elimina la tabla con el comando "mysqldump": mysqldump nombreBaseDatos nombreTabla > dump. REINDEX rebuilds an index using the data stored in the index's table, replacing the old copy of the index. 0. If you specify the index, then you must specify the table name in the tbl_name parameter. Fragmentation means that the physical ordering of the index pages on the disk is not close to the index ordering of the records on the pages, or that there are many unused pages in the 64-page blocks that were 15. Expand the table on which you want to reorganize an index. Drag and drop the index rebuild task from the maintenance plan toolbox. Let’s delve into the differences between the two and their impact on performance. MySQL 8. En otros artículos ya hemos tratado temas relacionados con las bases de datos, por ejemplo el de cómo importar y exportar bases de datos MySQL desde consola o el de cómo conectar a MySQL desde PHP. The INT datatype (presumably) has a lot of room to grow from 1M. You can remove a column from the index by removing the check mark from the appropriate column. Change a Filegroup. This will copy the data and the structure, but not the indices: create table {new_table} select * from {old_table}; This will copy the structure and indices, but not the data: create table {new_table} like {old_table}; Jun 20, 2013 · NO ACTION-- this is essentially a method of delaying the check, in MySQL it's no different than RESTRICT, but in PostgreSQL, you'd be able to do -- Not a real revolution. -- requires constraint be DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED BEGIN; SET CONSTRAINTS ALL DEFERRED; DELETE FROM bourgeoisie; INSERT INTO bourgeoisie VALUES ( 'Putin' ); UPDATE . Nov 13, 2023 · MySQL, especially in the InnoDB storage engine, provides mechanisms to handle these operations. CREATE INDEX [IndexName] ON [TableName] ([ColumnName]); Now, let’s create a table. Index hints apply to SELECT and UPDATE statements. Jan 4, 2023 · MySQL may decide not to use multiple indexes; even if it does, in many scenarios, they won’t serve the purpose as well as a dedicated index. Earlier versions of MySQL, e. Add compression. Luego de esto, vamos a las tablas, las seleccionamos todas y en la opción que dice « Para los elementos que están marcados: » seleccionamos « Optimizar la tabla «. There are several scenarios in which to use REINDEX: An index has become corrupted, and no longer contains valid data. To delete an existing index from a table, you use the DROP INDEX statement as follows: ON table_name. Indexar #Tabelas em #MySQL - CREATE INDEXNesta aula vamos mostrar como criar e excluir #índices em tabelas no MySQL, e também como usar o comando EXPLAIN. ALTER INSTANCE RELOAD TLS Section 8. 3, “Optimizer Hints”. ). One to drop the auto increment primary field and Nov 28, 2017 · There are some good reasons to Rebuild an index, like updating statistics. Description. Rename it to the Nightly Index Maintenance job. Indexes allow MySQL to quickly find and retrieve a set of records from the millions or even billions that a table may contain. Introduction to MySQL DROP INDEX statement. you know, foreign key. May 5, 2015 · To date (mysql 8. In terms of query speed, it doesn't matter whether the Expand the Tables folder. I have achieved this at present by running 2 queries. 5. In this syntax: First, specify the name of the index which you want to remove after the DROP INDEX keywords. sql mysql db_name < dump. Conform DataFrame to new index with optional filling logic. Copy records into new table WITHOUT the id field from old table, sorting by old tables id field. 8, “Installing MySQL from Source”. If the table has a multiple-column index, any leftmost prefix of the DROP INDEX drops the index named index_name from the table tbl_name. To drop a primary key, the index name is always PRIMARY, which must be specified as a quoted identifier because PRIMARY is a Oct 3, 2010 · 10. See Section 13. [{FROM | IN} db_name] [WHERE expr] SHOW INDEX returns table index information. Mar 15, 2016 · The values would be reassigned. DELETE * FROM [TableName]; ALTER TABLE [TableName] AUTO_INCREMENT = 0; answered Nov 25, 2009 at 18:43. I want them to be numbered like (1, 2, 3, 4). However, beeing a log-type table, where there is a lot of inserts but selects are very rare, it would make sense to disable reindexing the table with each insert. The search string must be a string value that is constant during query evaluation. You can use the following query to use the dm_exec_requests dmv to view how long your index rebuild has been going on for, and to verify that SQL doesn't really have an estimate: Jan 19, 2021 · The core feature of the primary key is that it needs to be unique. 0 myisam is slowly phasing into deprecated status, innodb is the current main storage engine. If you are creating a unique index, it also ensures that the data satisfies the unicity contraint, and fails if it doesn't. The exact changes made to each table depend on the storage engine used by that table. For example, the catalog/URL rewrite re-indexer is the class. I have 2 tables, A and B. 4 Reference Manual / / The InnoDB Storage Engine / InnoDB On-Disk Structures / Indexes In this way you can rebuild index InnoDB table in MYSQL. CREATE INDEX is mapped to an ALTER TABLE statement to create indexes. To specify the order of a column within an index, select ASC or DESC from the Order column. If you plan to upgrade an existing version of MySQL to a newer version rather than install MySQL for the first time, see Chapter 3, Upgrading MySQL, for information about upgrade See full list on educba. 1. 4 Defragmenting a Table. MySQL - Repair Tables - There can be scenarios where tables in databases can become corrupted due to various reasons such as hardware failures, software bugs, or unexpected server crashes. Here is the structure of A: id,name,phone. Provide the appropriate name of the maintenance plan. Find and remove unused indexes – everything that is unused doesn’t do anything good. Option #2: Using the telnet or the local machine, you can connect to MySQL server & log into a MySQL command-line tool. The larger the table, the more this costs. 6. Oct 17, 2016 · 1. The most common type of index involves a single column, storing copies of the values from that column in a data structure, allowing fast lookups for the rows with the corresponding column values. This will reset the count to the max+1 of the current rows and thus preserve foreign key references back to this table, from other tables in your database, or any other key usage for that column. The primary key must be unique, but it's not required to be consecutive. And there is a bulk delete of some older data once in a day. reindex(labels=None, *, index=None, columns=None, axis=None, method=None, copy=None, level=None, fill_value=nan, limit=None, tolerance=None) [source] #. 10. Change an index definition. 11. Share. Buy on Amazon. TABLE tbl_name [, tbl_name] OPTIMIZE TABLE reorganizes the physical storage of table data and associated index data, to reduce storage space and improve I/O efficiency when accessing the table. sql To rebuild all the tables in a single database, specify the database name without any following table name: Jul 31, 2022 · 4. Method 1: Create a SQL Server Agent job to rebuild indexes and update statistics. Most require reading some sort of data, doing programatic calculations, and then inserting values into flat tables. 2, “Securing Group Communication Connections with Secure Socket Layer (SSL)” Chapter 2 Installing MySQL. 01 s, elapsed: 0. Jul 25, 2005 · mysql -u username -p and I don't know the name of the database or the name of the table (tablename)? ANALYZE TABLE tablename; That will help mysql make better choices about index usage. Good looking keys usually go hand in hand with "natural keys". Modifying the default behavior in most cases can actually decrease effectiveness. A and B are have three columns. Since mysql 8. The best way to improve the performance of SELECT operations is to create indexes on one or more of the columns that are tested in the query. Expand the Indexes folder. 이것이 때때로 우리가 MySQL에서 인덱스를 재구축해야 하는 이유입니다. This section describes when MySQL can use an index to satisfy an ORDER BY clause, the filesort operation used when an index cannot be used, and execution plan information available from the optimizer about ORDER BY . To drop a primary key, the index name is always PRIMARY, which must be specified as a quoted identifier because PRIMARY is a reserved word: Indexes on Mar 25, 2016 · En este artículo explicamos cómo reparar y optimizar bases de datos MySQL, en modo gráfico y por línea de comandos. 1 How MySQL Uses Indexes. Start the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio client, and then log in to it. Follow clear instructions to drop and recreate indexes, maintaining database integrity and enhancing query execution speed. 01 s, system: 0. This can be a more convenient means of repairing tables because you can use the --databases or --all-databases option to repair all tables in specific databases or all databases, respectively: mysqlcheck --repair --databases db_name Nov 25, 2009 · 19. There is no ALTER INDEX command in MySQL. SQL> 2. See Section 2. 3 Optimization and Indexes. It scans the existing data in the table and creates the index accordingly. Er…. If you do not specify the index name, then all indexes of the table will be rebuild. The "id" of table A is auto_inc, but I want to reindex it and change " Aid " of table B at the same time. Now let’s try an example to rebuild the indexes using the REINDEX, but before rebuilding the index, we first have to create the indexes so let’s start with that. Indexes are used to find rows with specific column values quickly. To eliminate rows from consideration. We did it with these setup on the conf: [mysqld] innodb_ft_min_token_size = 3. A Quest lightspeed backup likely uses some sort of compression compression algorithm, but it still won't "rebuild" the data files or indexes, which would take a horrendously large amount of time on a big database. DROP INDEX name ON table; Press CTRL+C to copy. インデックスを再構築するにはいくつかの方法があり、そのうちのいくつかは Sep 5, 2023 · Re-indexing a MySQL database after a restore can help optimize the database’s performance by rebuilding indexes that may have become fragmented or corrupted during the restore process. Jun 20, 2023 · MySQL は、MySQL のインデックスまたはテーブルを変更できるように、データ型と文字を処理します。. And this can be easily done with the mysql -p. Esto reconstruirá la tabla y los índices de la tabla. I'm using v 0. But don't reset the primary key, it can mess things up. I have a table of data that has entries frequently being deleted and inserted. First, you can try to drop completely the flat tables as they will be recreated by the indexing process. This chapter describes how to obtain and install MySQL. I want to reindex time to time manually to make application faster. Improve this answer. You should not need to reindex MySQL except in cases of corruption from a crash or sudden power-off. Full-text search is carefully tuned for effectiveness. First, connect to the dvdrental database using the psql: Second, rebuild all indexes in the film table of the dvdrental database using the REINDEX statement: Output: DETAIL: CPU: user: 0. 4 OPTIMIZE TABLE Statement. I need to add an index on acctnum but do not have enough disk space on disk1. Apr 2, 2008 · How can I reindex the MySQL database? My webhost says database index is corrupted. Paso 5. sql Copy. – Raymond Nijland. this is also the reason why you should not create useless indexes (overindexing) because indexes slow down INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE queries. 23 SHOW INDEX Statement. Indexes can be used with reference to many index DataStructure associated with several pandas series or pandas DataFrame. Apr 11, 2009 · Then issue another alter statement and put auto_increment back onto the column. そのため、MySQL でインデックスを再構築する必要がある場合があります。. 0 Reference Manual / / The InnoDB Storage Engine / InnoDB On-Disk Structures / Indexes mysqlcheck --repair provides command-line access to the REPAIR TABLE statement. All they do is waste space and resources. Jan 27, 2013 at 21:19. 5, “Reusing SSL Sessions” Section 20. When this situation happens, we cannot be able to access or manipulate the data in those tables because of data inconsistencies or erro Apr 9, 2021 · Right-click on Maintenance Plans and select New Maintenance Plan…. 8, “Online DDL Limitations” . Random insertions into or deletions from a secondary index can cause the index to become fragmented. The code below is best if you have some data in the database already but want to reset the ID from 1 without deleting the data. Because this table is not being used by any other table (no relationships) I would like to reindex it to prevent the numbers getting too large. 13. The " Aid " is related to " id " of table A. remote. We want to create an index maintenance job Jul 31, 2023 · Reindexing in Pandas can be used to change the index of rows and columns of a DataFrame. Luego de esto, veremos un mensaje de Jan 23, 2019 · Identify and remove index fragmentation – this is obviously what we have been talking until now and the biggest part of the SQL index maintenance. Thanks, HatGuy. ALTER TABLE tbl_name DROP INDEX name; The table remains available for read and write operations while the 17. Then, choose New, Job to create a SQL agent job. Posted 20-Apr-10 9:21am. But if you need to change something about an index (that hopefully isn’t Fill Factor), like: Add some Partitioning magic. Do not alter the MySQL sources unless you know what you are doing. Do I run a SQL command? Examples? Or is there some function within phpMyAdmin that re-index or repairs databases? Sep 25, 2017 · It works pretty well, but the problem started when we need to modify the default min lenght of the word searched (from 4 letters, the default, to 3 letters). You can always update statistics on their own. The SQLPlus utility shows the following prompt:. Vuelve a crear la tabla en la base de datos con el comando de MySQL: mysql nombreBaseDatos< dump. The only solution was to ALTER TABLE DROP KEY oldkeyname, ADD KEY newkeyname (). 这种方法过于简单,这里不叙说了。其实也没有啥好说的。 alter table方法 . It requires a bit more RAM, but it supports row-level locking instead of just Jan 27, 2013 · Weird since Workbench was made by MySQL. Index hints, described here, differ from optimizer hints, described in Section 8. You can also use the TRUNCATE statement. Second, specify the name of the table to which the index belongs. Optimize To automatically create a data stream or index with an reindex API request, you must have the auto_configure, create_index, or manage index privilege for the destination data stream, index, or alias. The rebuild frequency depends on the rate at which the Aug 2, 2010 · 1. – enchance. Indexes become fragmented over time based on the update, insert, or delete rate. DataFrame. A native SQL backup is just a page-by-page dump of the backup files, so the answer there is "no". 15. . DROP INDEX drops the index named index_name from the table tbl_name. MySQL은 MySQL의 인덱스나 테이블이 변경될 수 있도록 데이터 유형과 문자를 처리합니다. Right-click the index you want to reorganize and select Rebuild. May 23, 2005 · reindex my table. MySQL uses indexes for these operations: To find the rows matching a WHERE clause quickly. If reindexing from a remote cluster, the source. Follow. 12. 2. Places NA/NaN in locations having no value in the previous index. This command effectively rebuilds the indexes for the specified table. Please tell me Paso 4. 37 s. Here is the structure of B: id,Aid,name. In most practical cases innodb is the best choice and it's supposed to keep indexes working well. An ORDER BY with and without LIMIT may return rows in different orders, as discussed in Section Aug 2, 2021 · The syntax of the DBREINDEX statement is the following: In the syntax, Index_name: Specify the name of the index that you want to rebuild. Something like a check box to reset the auto-increment or something else along those lines? Apr 16, 2010 · Solution 3. Without an index, MySQL must begin with the first row and then read through the entire table to find the relevant rows. Nov 12, 2014 · A shameless copy-paste from the MySQL documentation : For InnoDB tables, OPTIMIZE TABLE is mapped to ALTER TABLE, which rebuilds the table to update index statistics and free unused space in the clustered index. In MySQL, to create a multi-column index for last names and first names in the employees table, execute: CREATE INDEX names ON employees ( last_name, first_name); Copy. 3. I would need to see the relevant tables. Peter Bailey. 9. See Section 15. Indexing strategy varies between indexer types. sql. To rebuild all tables in all databases, use the --all-databases option: mysqldump --all-databases > dump. If there is a choice between multiple indexes, MySQL normally uses the index that finds the smallest number of rows (the most selective index). 20, “CREATE TABLE Statement”. Press CTRL+C to copy. If the table has an index for the columns in question, MySQL can quickly determine the position to seek to in the Sep 11, 2013 · How to reindex tables with MySQL Last modified September 11, 2013 ALTER TABLE wp_posts CHANGE ID ID int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL; -- Removes auto-inrement from ID DROP INDEX `PRIMARY` ON wp_posts; -- Removes index PRIMARY from provided table ALTER TABLE wp_posts ADD primary key (ID); -- Add index again REPAIR TABLE repairs a possibly corrupted table, for certain storage engines only. 8. It’s advisable to remove those often. 9, “ALTER TABLE Statement” . com Some factors affect the performance, space usage, and semantics of this operation. 1, “Configuring MySQL to Use Encrypted Connections” Section 8. The B-tree data structure lets the index quickly find a specific value, a set of values, or a range of values, corresponding to May 15, 2014 · But here's my stronger recommendation: You don't need to renumber the auto-increment key. Maybe a product attribute that must be unique as twice the same value in the database after human intervention straighly in Jan 7, 2020 · I have a table in mysql with a lot of INSERT and SELECT at every second. Option #3: Another way that you can try is to use the CHECK TABLE tablename for simply UPGRADE the command. 1. MATCH() takes a comma-separated list that names the columns to be searched. Although normally you should never have to run REPAIR TABLE, if disaster strikes, this statement is very likely to get back all your data from a MyISAM table. 6 and earlier, support no syntax in ALTER TABLE to rename an index (or key, which is a synonym). Grwww. This guideline is especially important for InnoDB tables, where the primary key determines the physical layout of rows in the data file. If you’ve been using MySQL for any length of time, you’ve probably created indexes in the hopes of getting lighting-quick answers to your queries. 인덱스를 재구축하는 몇 가지 방법이 있으며 그 중 일부는 전체 데이터베이스 또는 REINDEX 만 인덱스를 To rebuild a table by dumping and reloading it, use mysqldump to create a dump file and mysql to reload the file: mysqldump db_name t1 > dump. Can anybody suggest some tips? Using 'innodb' as engine. In the Rebuild Indexes dialog box, verify that the correct index is in the Indexes to be rebuilt grid and click OK. sk tc kk bh nc es og pu sq bs